And then she said:

Sep 29, 2010 15:46

This week hasn't been quite as hectic as last week, so far. I got an estimate on the car and am awaiting a call back when the parts come in. I am still kicking myself about the accident, even though I know it could have been so much worse.

I managed to slice my finger open at work yesterday. Hurts like a son of a bitch! I've been installing memory upgrades on all our computers. (My fingers are SO sore now too!) Those little sticks are deceptive. After seating about 100 of them inside several machines, I pushed too hard trying to get it to lock into place and my hand slipped and it sliced my left index finger. Bled all inside the machine too. Add to that all the dirt and grime inside the computers and crawling around on the floor under desks..... well, you can guess that it was all swollen this morning. Blah.

I've been meaning to post about shows since the new season has started. So here comes my opinion...

Fringe: OMG! I was flailing by the end of the season opener. I can't believe that our Olivia thinks she's that imposter. Grrr. And Bolivia better get her hands off Peter! I wanted to cry. I think Walter knows though. The comment she made about the Wallaby's. *nods* Nothing really gets by Walter, even when we think it does. ;)

The Event: I like this show. It's got some good potential and it's off to a pretty good start. I have to admit the going back and forth in flashbacks and the present is not one of my favorite story telling mechanisms. But in this instance, it works.

The characters seem to be diverse and I always like seeing how all the storylines intertwine. I hope the show lasts. *crosses fingers*

NCIS: I'm glad to see this storyline dead and put to bed. The whole Mexico cartel thing held no interest for me. So let's move on. :)

Supernatural: I felt disappointed. Let down. Sort of like being really excited about a date and it turned out to be nothing special. I guess I had big expectations after the finale last season. What did I expect? Honestly, I don't know. More about Sam's time in hell maybe? And what about Cass?

And Dean's life this past year seemed so... wrong. It seemed forced and draining on him (which may be exactly what the writers were going for, so kudos if it was).

Craig made a crack about Corin Nemic being in another "season 6" for a show. I did laugh about that myself. But otherwise... meh.

I missed the premiere of SGU. Forgot it came on Tuesdays now. I will probably just rewatch later this week in rerun. Also missed last nights episode of NCIS. I came home from work and crashed out for a few hours. Totally missed out, didn't I?

fandom: the event, fandom: ncis, fandom: fringe, life, fandom: supernatural

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