I tagged on
surrealphantast, so now I'm playing along. I like these kinds of meme's you can always find out so much about people.
1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I respond by asking you five personal questions so I can get to know you better! If I already know you well, expect the questions may be a little more intimate.
3. Please update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. Please include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, ask them five questions.
1- If money and education were not a factor, what would be your dream career? Hmmm, wow. Money and education not a factor... I would probably say being a virologist or some other biochemistry type field. That has always fascinated me, and I truly wanted to pursue that field of study at one time in my life. But money and time were both major factors, so it was just a dream.
2- What specific things about Daniel do you find so intriguing? His passion for his work, most definitely. How he manages to be the voice of sound reason so many times too. But it's always about his passion for his work. That's why I get so excited these days when I see him actually back into the book studies, etc. Over the years he's almost become jaded to his experiences, so when he shows that old enthusiasm again, I'm in love. :)
3- If you could change one thing about this country, what would it be? George W. Bush. Seriously, I wish he'd never stepped foot in that office. Aside from that, I'd say turning the tide on the mass ignorance and/or arrogance of this country. We have an abundance of both, and together they are a lethal combination. Case in point, George W. Bush.
4- Name one place you would love to visit! Ireland! Hands down. I want to trace my family heritage. I am 3/4 Irish on my maternal side, and Scot-Irish on my paternal side. I've always been fascinated with the country and it's history.
5- Who is your second favorite character on SG-1?My first reaction is to say Jack, but after thinking about it, I'm not so sure. I think I am more interested in him as he pertains to Daniel. Their relationship/dynamic and bantering, etc. Although I was really drawn to his storyline about Charlie... Okay, so I really liked the OLD Jack, of earlier days. When he wasn't so damn sarcastic and trying to be witty all the time. Overall though, I'll take Janet. I loved her through and through. She had that great combination of soft and tough and I was sold on her with Cassandra's story.