I'm gonna make this quick
Metallica = awesome. Get in a bad mood? Put metallica on, it cures that. Wanna beat something? Put metallica on, you work through it. Except when your flatmate (who, bless him, just showed you how to work your ipod and limewire) downloads some stuff that ruins your buzz, like FRAKKING COLDPLAY. Really, Coldplay? The gf is insatiably hot, but Coldplay? If I wanted to commit suicide, I'd buy their album.
I've come to realise music cures all (okay, a stable relationship and regular sex works better, but I can only work with what I've got). Metallica just hits it. Great music, great lyrics (for all occassions, good or bad). The other stuff, while i like it, is only good for a short period. One always has to go back to the classics eh?