Another older log

Mar 04, 2008 07:24

Who: Kevin Graham, Mercade Alexander
When: 1/27/2008 - after the battle with the Sinistrals in Vector
Where: IPA Medical
What: Friends making an agreement- stated between the lines

Fac-IPA> Mercade Alexander clatter, and transmits a low groan. "Ugh, what was the license plate of that truck..."
Fac-IPA> Master Chief | The comput--er, Cortana: "Sounds like we can complete this mission AND our guest won't repeat the same mistake. All in a days work, eh, Captain?"
Fac-IPA> Sister Ciel says, "Given the situation that we found you in, I will presume that it was the crew cut warrior that we discovered standing over your body."
Fac-IPA> Dimo the J臠ermonster says much more seriously, "She iz not gonna be happy. She ain't happy, *ve* ain't happy." And after a few crushing sounds, the radio emits static and goes dead.
Fac-IPA> Mercade Alexander says, "Well... I'm alive. What happened? Did we make it?"
Fac-IPA> Renais Cardiff-Shishiou says, "You're here."
Fac-IPA> Simon Parker | Kozlov continues. "An ARGENT agent--" She does not say who-- "Planted a tracker. Your Covenant's jamming helped prevent us from getting a lock on it earlier."
Fac-IPA> Sephiroth says, "Oh, that reminds me. Is Mr. Parker about? I thought I heard him earlier."
Fac-IPA> Mercade Alexander grunts. "What's blowing up now?"
Fac-IPA> Simon Parker says, "I'm here, General."
Fac-IPA> Sephiroth says, "May I borrow you for a moment? I need something ... possibly confirmed."
Fac-IPA> Renais Cardiff-Shishiou says, "The 'earlier' tells me that you've got a lock now."
Fac-IPA> Sister Ciel says, "We managed to recover you, although if we 'made it' is debatable. The Empire chased us off from the scene."
Fac-IPA> Master Chief says, "Captain, wasn't this mission... uh, sensitive?"
Fac-IPA> Mercade Alexander says, "They're... Okay. Wait, he..."
Fac-IPA> Mercade Alexander says, "Where's Father Graham?"
Fac-IPA> Master Chief helpfully reminds the technically uninclined that this is a fairly open channel.
Fac-IPA> Sister Ciel says, "Out of his misery."
Fac-IPA> Sister Ciel says, "...for the time being, at least. He was resting in the medical wing when I left him."
Fac-IPA> Ky Kiske says, "...wait, what happened to Father Graham?"
Fac-IPA> Aya Kobayashi says, "....what?"
Fac-IPA> Mercade Alexander says, "What? You mean he's..."
Fac-IPA> Mercade Alexander says, "Oh, don't SCARE me like that."
Fac-IPA> Sister Ciel says, "I reccomend not wandering off into unknown installations in the future by yourself, then."
Fac-IPA> Mercade Alexander snaps, "THIS ISN'T THE TIME FOR THAT!"
Fac-IPA> Mercade Alexander grunts, clearly, getting up out of his own medical bed. "I need to go talk to him immediately."
Fac-IPA> Father Kevin Graham says, quietly. "'m here. I've been awake a bit."
Fac-IPA> Mercade Alexander says, "All right. I need to talk to you, Father. In private."
Fac-IPA> Ky Kiske says, "Is something going on that I should tell Miss Zirski to postpone things about?"
Fac-IPA> Simon Parker | Kozlov says, "Yes, Shishiou, we have his location."
Fac-IPA> Aya Kobayashi says, "...ah.."
Fac-IPA> Master Chief taps his radio. Is this on?
Fac-IPA> Father Kevin Graham ums. "....can I leave medical? 'm okay now. Nothin' like last night, an' all."
Fac-IPA> Sister Ciel says, "Indeed, I should also speak with Father Kevin as well at some point. There were, after all, minor incidents that whhich occured during the mission yesterday that should be investigated at some point."
Fac-IPA> Simon Parker | Kozlov then clears her throat. "I am aware of the nature of this mission, Master Chief; however, it would not do to leave our allies completely in the dark, yes?"
Fac-IPA> Teana Lanster yawns. "Hi everyone!"
Fac-IPA> Mercade Alexander says with no humor, "That's what we need to talk about, Father."
Fac-IPA> Ky Kiske says, "I see. Father Graham, do you require someone there on your behalf?"
Fac-IPA> Father Kevin Graham says, ""
Fac-IPA> Master Chief says, "It's your call, Captain."
Fac-IPA> Ky Kiske says, "I see. I.. suspect things will be explained in due course then, Father."
Fac-IPA> Father Kevin Graham is quiet for a moment, before he sighs. "...there's a place 'round 'ere, I'm sure, Mercade."
Fac-IPA> Father Kevin Graham doesn't seem to like that idea as he days, "I guess things will be 'splained."

Mercade heals a lot faster than the doctors of the IPA expect. With his wounds, he should have been down for a week or more. But now, he's already hauling himself out of his bed. His expression is grim. Something has come up that he can't ignore, now that they're no longer fighting for their lives. And he has to talk to the preacher to find out what's going on before something terrible... Well, more terrible happens. So for now, he searches through the wing, looking for Kevin.

Kevin's room isn't hard to find. He wasn't in there for injuries as badly as Mercade's. -he /was/ injured, yes. But he, actually, heals incredibly quickly as well. The primary thing that landed him in a bed in medical the previous night was the sheer exhaustion and his collapse.
The room itself is empty, however... or is it? It doesn't take long to find out that the priest, who is no longer in his clergy clothing- simply plain ol' hospital clothes- is standing on a nearby balcony, looking out over the city. The radio is right there too. He's listening. How long has he been listening? Probably as long as he's been up.

Mercade only pauses for a moment at the sight of the empty bed. His eyes flick over the room, instantly determining what happened, and without comment turns to walk towards the balcony.

Behind Kevin at a distance of about 20 feet, Mercade says simply, "Father."

Kevin hears his name and he acknowledges this by turning his head slightly. He's glancing off to the side and towards Mercade. The priest remains like this for a moment, before he turns to face the investigator fully and offer a smile. "Yo." There's even a slight salute of a greeting. The flippant attitude might even be infuriating at points, but... maybe it's just a defense mechanism to everything? That's how it seems. "Glad to see yer up."

Mercade doesn't mind Kevin putting a smile on things. The investigator deals with many of his situations in the same way. It's when he's serious that you need to pay attention. He smiles back, folding his hands behind his back. "I'm glad you made it out of there too." Mercade shrugs, and then focuses on Kevin. "Last night had a lot of unexpected things happen. Are you going to be all right?"

Kevin's smile fades at the comment. "...unexpected to you, a' least." The priest is quiet as he turns to look out over the city. "I'm fine. Terrible things 'ave happened to me before. Just needed a little rest to get past it, and move on. Maybe everyone else will... well..."
He finally falls quiet, looking to his hands. "...maybe they'll move on too." As the priest shakes his head, though- that says that perhaps he thinks otherwise. "...sorry for not tellin' ya'll."

Mercade's eyebrows arch. "Unexpected to me? So you knew about this." Mercade nods, and then half-turns away. "I wouldn't wager on it. I heard the rampant whining on the radio at Agatha. Some people in the IPA don't like to let go easily... But that's not the problems right now. That symbol..." He glances over to Kevin. "Do you know what it is?"

"Stigma..." Mercade trails off. "A dire name." He shakes his head, sighing. "It looked very dangerous. And..." Something seems to be wrong with Mercade. It's almost like some kind of aversion is affecting him. "I can only assume that you haven't found a cure for it?"

Kevin is quiet, before he laughs. It sounds like a bitter one. "...some people would say I'd be crazy if I wanted a 'cure' to it. There are so many people out there that would kill for the kinda power it grants." Would he? He's keeping his expressions neutral. "It is dangerous, though. Moreso for everyone 'round me. I can keep it in check. Normally. It's just... well... Last night was a fluke, I think."
He reaches up to tap the side of his head. "I hear whispers. It makes a part of me want to continuously use it. But perhaps there's a good thing found in all this. The human body ain't meant for that level o' power. The strain is too much and will cause it to begin to shut down after a point."

"... And yet, you know the price of this power." Mercade says. "I wouldn't ask, but... I saw something. You might have guessed, but I'm not exactly just an average guy myself." What an understatement.

He looks away, staring into a nearby mirror. "I can... see the connections between all things. Every moment, we create and sever them as we live our lives. Sometimes, these connections pull at us, helping to move us towards great... or terrible things. Some call these connections the strands of Fate itself."

He flicks a hand, the crystalline sphere Kevin has seen before appearing in his hand. "This is the Eye of the Moirae. It is an artifact used by the Goddesses of Fate in my world. Using it, I can see things... As well as manipulate them to a limited degree. When I looked at you, I saw..." He hesitates. "Something terrible. Something that frightens me."

"Takes one to know one," Kevin says with a smirk. "Ya wouldn't be askin' the things ya are if ya were an average guy. I've been doin' this before some people can..." Pause. "...what is it? Drive? I know when someone's askin' all the /right/ questions to show that they know somethin' more." He finally begins to step back inside, sliding the door shut behind him. "All the right questions, all the right suspicions. I look fer people like ya. All the time."
The priest finally flops into a seat and he simply listens to Mercade. He thinks about this whole thing with the strands of Fate, and he lets his eyes flicker off to the side. "...somethin' terrible, hm? A li'l ol' priest like me bein' so frightenin'?" It sounds like a joke. But looking at the gaze in his eyes- he's only trying to diffuse the levity, it seems. He's aware of being frightening. Last night certainly wasn't the worst he's seen or done.

Mercade watches the priest close the door, eyes tracking him as he walks over. The words are both reassuring... And terrible. "Who would ever suspect a kind country priest?" He gives a half-smile in return. "But terrible nonetheless."

Mercade sits down, across from Kevin, and leans forward, his elbows on his knees. "What I think is somewhat irrelevant, though. What do /you/ think about the situation?" Either way, the priest is someone for him to keep an eye on, now... Not an enviable thing, given what he's already figured out.

Kevin is quiet. He continues staring off to the side, thinking. Until he looks forward to glance at Mercade. Finally, the priest moves to sit up and he even mimics Mercade's position. "I won't be let go. Even if the IPA releases me for bein' what I am. There are too many forces who want what I've got. Mostly back in my world, I'm sure. But there will be many more out here. It's terrifyin'. The Church follows me- I'm a heretic. They should have removed me years ago, but... I'm too valuable. I was... experimented on when I was younger. I didn't realize what it was then. -but the person behind that wanted it. Then there are those forces that I call on. Those forces will never let me go. They will plague the back of mind for the rest of my life."
Kevin closes his eyes. It almost looks like there's a shudder through his body. But he keeps it to a minimum. It's obvious that this is an incredibly candid moment with him- and that he truly trusts Mercade. There's so much he'd hide in any other case. "It's plain an' simple, Mercade. I'm a piece of the very force that tried to destroy my world during the Great Catastrophe. Why should I wander 'bout the world unattended?"

Mercade's eyes widen at the explanation from Kevin. "That's terrible..." He winces, closing his eyes. "... Given the situation, even that word seems to lose meaning." He grimaces at that, shaking his head. "I'm not here on official business. And I don't think the IPA would let you go as long as you can keep yourself under control." He pauses for a moment. "I can't speak for them, though. I know you want to do the right thing."

"Where you got the power... That isn't my business, really. But I'm worried about you, Father. I've never seen a Fatebinding like that before..." He shudders. "And I want to help you. Somehow."

There's finally a faint smile from Kevin. It's not the typical, quirky, seemingly lopsided grin. There's a real smile from him, just barely there, buried under a lot of grief and terror. It fades so that he can take a deep breath, burying it away again.
This is when the priest stands abruptly. "I dun wanna leave, if possible. I like it here. I guess it gives me a chance to start over 'gain. Not to worry 'bout everythin' behind me. Ein'll always be there, watchin', monitorin'... y'know. Can't get away from them. Can't get 'way from *her*." There's a laugh finally.
However, he turns around, his back to Mercade. "Fatebinding or not, this is something I've got, whether I want it or not. It's something I'll have to live with, and perhaps someday I'll have the strength to fully control it."
Kevin finally looks back towards the investigator. "...the event when I discovered it is now a secret of the Church. I went in to save some of my childhood friends from a group of mercenaries who attacked them. The Stigma was activated- on accident- and I lost control of everything. I killed them and the demon they accidentally unleashed. In the blink of an eye- and I didn't even know what I had done. There was a great sacrifice to bring me back into control. Yesterday, it hurts- there's so much pain in the back of my mind, on my will and the very core of my being. But... I understand 'nough of it to control myself so that I can act to save my allies, at least. Who knows, in time, perhaps I'll have more control. I just... don't want to release it for the work it takes to come to that." Another pause. "...but... I'll accept yer help. Because, if I'm to be my own person, it's somethin' I'm doin' on my own."

Mercade listens, and then nods, a smile on his face. "Thank you, Father. I know it seems like I'm probably intruding on something that's none of my business... But it's probably time for you to know something about me, which might explain why."

He pauses, and nods. "My name is Mercade Alexander, son of Karen Alexander and Hermes Trimegistus, God of Travels and Conductor of Souls." He chuckles a moment. "I'm a half-god scion of a liason of Greek proportions." A shrug, and he continues. "The gods of our world are embroiled in a battle between themselves and the Titans, massive, ancient beings who created the universe. They can't be killed without destroying fundamental parts of the universe, but they can be sealed away. The problem is, they broke out of their seal in the Underworld, damaging them and causing many problems preventing people from moving on to their deserved rest. I've been working as an investigator to find the servants of the Titans and destroy them, as well as find ways to help the Gods win their war. To do otherwise would be, well... Irresponsible." He chuckles. "And despite what some may think, I'm not actually irresponsible. But situations like yours are the exact kinds of things I keep an eye out for... After all, we all have our obligations, right?"

Kevin simply raises an eyebrow. Then he almost laughs. "The son of a /god/. Impressive. An', if I weren't already taken, in that sense, sounds like my sort to. Well... kinda. Bein' a traveler, an' all." But he falls quiet and thinks about the Titans and how Mercade has just described them. "...sounds familiar, though. I'm kinda lyin' on the whole priest thing too. I'm a member of an organization known as the Grals Ritter. We're a shadow organization within the Septian Chuch that specializes in protectin' remnants o' the ancient civilizations that were destroyed over a thousand years ago."
He waves a hand. "This is relevant, actually- because according to the Scriptures, the catastrophe was caused by a rift in our reality which allowed the creatures of our underworld to bleed into our own. My mark is 'heretical,' because it is like a rift. A little miniature rift that allows all the power of Time and death and the demons to seep into this world through me."
Deep breath. "...that's a big ol' lesson in a short explanation- but I'm sure that's 'bout the same wit' what ya just told me.... An' I understand yer obligations. I also understand that... if the time comes- that if that chance with whatever that mark is fully happens- I can count on ya to hold onto that obligation of yers." He holds out a hand- almost a request to ask Mercade to agree to what he just said between the lines. " obligation is similar: I've given my name to the Goddess of the Sky to see that mankind is kept safe from anythin' caused by that terrible world. I'll fight as long as I have to, an' with every ounce of my power... but if yer what ya are, then I want ya to tell me that no matter who I am- if the time comes, I can trust ya to live up to yer duties."

"You're a member of the church, I think you're still a priest, even if you are a member of a secret organization dedicated to preventing the destruction of everything you know and love." Mercade stands, and steps forward. "And I can respect that. Our paths are dangerous ones... And sometimes, we have to do what we have to do." He clasps Kevin's hand. "I will do what is necessary. What can happen to one, can happen to all."

Kevin quickly takes Mercade's hand in a firm handshake. "...wit' that in mind, ya most certainly have my power on yer side. More than just the li'l ol' priest with the funny accent." He grins again, "But ya also have the assistance of the Otherworldly Hunter- the Fifth Dominion of the Grals Ritter. I can give ya my all, to see that your obligations are solved. We kinda share the same wants and desires, after all? Everythin' I know an' love is at risk as well, just in my plane an' in a slightly different manner than yers. But we can work together an' all, for the best of both worlds."

"And my power on yours. I'm a detective for a reason. Once I have someone's trail, they can't escape from me." He grins. "All it takes is time, and I can find almost anything." Mercade glances around. "But don't worry, I'm sure we'll find a way for everything to work out."

"Excellent, Mercade. I may have to make use of your tracking then. That mission's put on hold to keep an eye on the IPA fer now, though." Kevin finally drops to take a seat again. "Thank you for talking to me, by the way. I appreciate it. All o' it." Pause. "' please. The whole clean slate thing? Lemme see how much of this I can keep quiet." He laughs. "I'd prefer the IPA not think I'm... well... yeah. Don't need 'nother thing tying me down."

kevin graham, mercade alexander

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