[Log] The Cost Of A Soul

Nov 28, 2006 00:43

WHO: Lezard Valeth, Lina Inverse
WHEN: Nov. 26, 2006
WHERE: Flenceburg, Midgard
WHAT: Lina mentions she's interested in cash. Lezard decides to make her an offer and see if she can refuse.
WATCH FOR: The very INTERESTING things Lezard asks for, and the prices he offers, as well as Lina's gastronomic achievements.

[Citizen's Band] Lezard Valeth says, "So how is everyone this fine day?"
[Citizen's Band] Lina Inverse says, "Wonderful."
[Citizen's Band] Lezard Valeth says, "Ah, hello there."
[Citizen's Band] Lezard Valeth says, "So you managed to escape that crater, did you?"
[Citizen's Band] Lina Inverse coughs, "Of course I did! I'm surprised /you/ survived."
[Citizen's Band] Lezard Valeth says, "It was touch-and-go, I admit."
[Citizen's Band] Lina Inverse says, "/Touch and go/?"
[Citizen's Band] Lezard Valeth says, "You almost disincorporated me. You should be proud! You really are a powerful sorceress."
[Citizen's Band] Toushirou Hitsugaya is listening!
[Citizen's Band] Lina Inverse says, "Of course I am! I /am/ the most powerful sorceress in my world!"
[Citizen's Band] Lezard Valeth says, "And I'm the most powerful in mine. But I still have tricks you haven't seen."
[Citizen's Band] Lina Inverse says, "Hah! Well what you saw was just a small /fraction/ of what I'm capable of."
[Citizen's Band] Lezard Valeth says, "Of course, of course."
[Citizen's Band] Lezard Valeth says, "But why quibble? There's enough room in these infinite planes for the two of us."
[Citizen's Band] Lina Inverse says, "I /suppose/."
[Citizen's Band] Havelock Vetinari says, "Interestingly, Lezard, several comments ago, you made the statement that you were the most powerful sorceress in your world."
[Citizen's Band] Havelock Vetinari says, "I suspect you may have meant something else."
[Citizen's Band] Lezard Valeth, slightly irritably, "How clever. Do you make a career out of nitpicking and irritating people?"
[Citizen's Band] Havelock Vetinari says, "Yes, actually."
[Citizen's Band] Havelock Vetinari says, "The term for it is 'leader of a country.'"
[Citizen's Band] Lezard Valeth says, "And that is supposed to be impressive?"
[Citizen's Band] Havelock Vetinari says, "No, no. If I was going for impressive, I suspect I'd shorten the title, make it more military in nature and such."
[Citizen's Band] Lezard Valeth says, "Very nice. Now, do go away, I am occupied with other matters."
[Citizen's Band] Lezard Valeth says, "Anyway. Lina Inverse, correct?"
[Citizen's Band] Toushirou Hitsugaya says, "Take anything he says with a grain of salt."
[Citizen's Band] Lezard Valeth says, "What do you do with your power?"
[Citizen's Band] Lezard Valeth says, "Is there a problem, Master Hitsugaya? Hmmmmmm?"
[Citizen's Band] Lina Inverse says, "Lately? Look for ways to get more."
[Citizen's Band] Lezard Valeth says, "For what reason?"
[Citizen's Band] Toushirou Hitsugaya says, "No problem, just that you're not the smiling, nice man that you pretend to be."
[Citizen's Band] Lezard Valeth says, "I was unaware that I was pretending, Master Hitsugaya."
[Citizen's Band] Lina Inverse says, "Because I-gah, hold on a minute."
[Citizen's Band] Lezard Valeth says, "Certainly."
[Citizen's Band] Toushirou Hitsugaya says, "Others might not see your mask, so I'm pointing it out for them."
[Citizen's Band] Toushirou Hitsugaya says, "Good day."
[Citizen's Band] Toushirou Hitsugaya says, "*click*"
[Citizen's Band] Lezard Valeth says, "I was unaware that I was ever hiding what my goals and methods were. And oh please, that was rather immature."
[Citizen's Band] Lezard Valeth says, "But then, I suppose one couldn't expect better."
[Citizen's Band] Lina Inverse says, "-there. Because being the best sorceress in the /multiverse/ would be great too. Also it generally makes getting money easier and keeps the mazoku off my back."
[Citizen's Band] Lezard Valeth says, "So you want to be rich?"
[Citizen's Band] Lina Inverse says, "Yep."
[Citizen's Band] Lezard Valeth says, "There is nothing wrong with that. Perhaps you would be interested in making some money?"
[Citizen's Band] Lina Inverse says, "I would be, but not if it involves, you know, turning people into zombies."
[Citizen's Band] Lezard Valeth says, "Oh, no. There will be no zombies involved."
[Citizen's Band] Lina Inverse says, "What was /that/ all about anyways/"
[Citizen's Band] Lezard Valeth says, "What was what?"
[Citizen's Band] Lina Inverse says, "The zombie."
[Citizen's Band] Lezard Valeth says, "I'm not sure, really. I suppose he simply asked for too much and got it."
[Citizen's Band] Lina Inverse pfft.
[Citizen's Band] Lezard Valeth says, "Caveat venditor, after all."
[Citizen's Band] Phantom synchs. Silence.
[Citizen's Band] Lina Inverse says, "Sure, whatever. So what's this about making money?"
Dizzy :o
[Citizen's Band] Lezard Valeth says, "It's a business propisition. But I don't think you'll want me to spout the details over this channel, do you? People might try to undercut you for the work."
[Citizen's Band] Lina Inverse says, "Of course not!"
[Citizen's Band] Ms. Mowz squeaks quietly in the background.
Dizzy's tail scratches out on the ground: deredere
[Citizen's Band] Lezard Valeth rattles a coinpurse. It sounds rather full. "Anyway, we can speak on this in a more suitable manner."
[Citizen's Band] Lina Inverse says, "Right. In person or a private wavelength?"
[Citizen's Band] Lezard Valeth says, "Which would you prefer?"
[Citizen's Band] Lina Inverse says, "Let's meet in person."
[Citizen's Band] Lezard Valeth says, "Very well. I'll send you the location."

[RADIO] To Lina Inverse, you radio: The Witch's Broom in Flenceburg, Midgard. It's a nice place. I'll pay for the refreshments.
[RADIO] To Lezard Valeth, Lina Inverse radios: Oooh.

The World of Mortals--but not just mortals.

Lina Inverse has arrived.

Welcome to the Witch's Broom, a decent tavern in the Mage's Academy town of Flenceburg. Despite his expulsion, the Necromancer Lezard Valeth still hangs out in the area, to mixed opinions of the people there. Nevertheless, his gold spends as well as anyone else's, and here in the Witch's Broom, Lezard relaxes at a table, flipping through a tome and nursing a mug of nice cold mead. He IS Nordic, after all.

Lezard certainly knows how to push Lina's buttons. He'll find that the sorceress arrives surprisingly /quickly/ considering Lina has never actually been in this world before, or at least, not extensively been in this world. Like a moth to a flame, she's drawn to the tavern, announcing her arrival by loudly pushing the doors open. She doesn't care if this gets her stares from the locals (nobody here wants her dead so attention isn't a bad thing). Lezard is quickly located. "Aha!"

Without waiting to be hailed, she walks on over to the table and grabs herself a seat, sitting across from the necromancer. "There you are. Hello."

[Citizen's Band] Turtle Tamer says, "For those of you who want to be Adventurers like me, someday, let me illustrate my companion's mistake here--There are critical comparisons every Adventurer must make when it comes to accepting a job--and, in this case, there are great benefits--that is, you know, phat lewt, that you get from smacking him down, as opposed to listening to him prattle on and doing his dirty work. I suggest you look up spoilers if you absolutely have to, when faced with difficult situations like these. It never hurts to be well-prepared."
[Citizen's Band] Lezard Valeth says, "My work is not dirty."
[Citizen's Band] Lezard Valeth says, "Well, maybe some of it."
[Citizen's Band] Lezard Valeth says, "But it's all for a good cause."
[Citizen's Band] Turtle Tamer says, "Dude, I looked stuff up. You totally swiped those clouds."
[Citizen's Band] Turtle Tamer says, "You were that guy I hit in the face."
[Citizen's Band] Lezard Valeth says, "Yes."
[Citizen's Band] Lezard Valeth says, "What's wrong with taking some clouds?"
[Citizen's Band] Lezard Valeth says, "They weren't being used for anything else, and how is that different than what an adventurer does to so many other people?"
[Citizen's Band] Turtle Tamer says, "They're being used to look fluffy and add to the majesty of the mountains. As for how it's different?"
[Citizen's Band] Lezard Valeth says, "I wouldn't think someone such as you would quibble over things like this."
[Citizen's Band] Turtle Tamer says, "Of course I'm quibbling. This is important, and nothing important goes by without a little quibbling. Now."
[Citizen's Band] Turtle Tamer says, "Me, when I go smack up some lamz0r n00bs, I'm not just getting loot and stats."
[Citizen's Band] Turtle Tamer says, "No, I'm doing the world a favor."
[Citizen's Band] Turtle Tamer says, "When I went and showed Stella the Turtle Poacher who's boss, sure, I got some phat loot, but I saved countless turtles!"
[Citizen's Band] Turtle Tamer says, "And when I took that cake from that guy who thought I was some guy named Claude, and that it was my birthday, well--"
[Citizen's Band] Turtle Tamer says, "Well, it was free cake. Who the hell turns down free cake? Look, the point is."
[Citizen's Band] Lezard Valeth says, "Uh huh."
[Citizen's Band] Turtle Tamer says, "I'm gonna find whatever the heck it is you live in, and I am going to beat the snot out of everything that's in it until you show up. Then I am going to lay the smack down on you. Do you understand me."
[Citizen's Band] Lezard Valeth says, "Of course I do. But why?"
[Citizen's Band] Turtle Tamer says, "Fame. Fortune. Quality products at reasonable prices. And you're a frigging nerd."
[Citizen's Band] Lezard Valeth says, "This 'nerd' burned you to a crisp."
[Citizen's Band] Turtle Tamer says, "Pfft. Do you have any idea how often that happens?"
[Citizen's Band] Lezard Valeth says, "No."
[Citizen's Band] Turtle Tamer says, "Look, an Adventurer's life is full of danger like that. Sometimes, I have to cross moats full of used car salesmen."
[Citizen's Band] Lezard Valeth says, "How horrifying."
[Citizen's Band] Turtle Tamer says, "I can't tell you how many times I've been instantly struck dead by lightning, and conveniently struck back to life again a moment later."
[Citizen's Band] Lezard Valeth says, "You can't?"
[Citizen's Band] Turtle Tamer says, "Switches on very cold metal poles that for some reason have to be activated with a tongue!"
[Citizen's Band] Lezard Valeth says, "That's what I have minions for."
[Citizen's Band] Turtle Tamer says, "Horrifying abominations of shift-6 and underscores!"
[Citizen's Band] Lezard Valeth says, "Shift... six?"
[Citizen's Band] Turtle Tamer says, "Uh, carat. I think, it's called."
[Citizen's Band] Turtle Tamer says, "Looks like a ^_^."
[Citizen's Band] Lezard Valeth says, "A carrot? Hmm."
[Citizen's Band] Turtle Tamer says, "No, no, with an a, not an o."
[Citizen's Band] Turtle Tamer says, "The point is, being charred alive is just a natural part of being an Adventurer."
[Citizen's Band] Turtle Tamer says, "Until you've been bitten by a one eyed trouser snake, you just don't know what living IS."

Lina's arrival causes Lezard to look up and close his tome. The title is convienently hidden from view. "Hello there, Lina. Good to see you again." Lezard signals to the barkeep. "Barkeeper! Get her any food or drink she likes. I will pay for it." Whispers run through the tavern as Lezard calls out. Clearly he has something of a reputation here.

But the Necromancer doesn't care. He watches Lina steadily. "So, yould you like to refresh yourself first, or talk business?"

[Citizen's Band] Lezard Valeth says, "For you, perhaps."
[Citizen's Band] Lezard Valeth says, "In our world, life is dirty, brutal, and short, ground under the foot of uncaring gods and tyrants."
[Citizen's Band] Turtle Tamer says, "So it's like being on one of those reality shows?"
[Citizen's Band] Lezard Valeth says, "I suppose."
[Citizen's Band] Turtle Tamer says, "Look, buddy. Lemme tell you something. I don't care what you've got, you've got nothing in your world that compares to the power of the Naughty Sorceress. Why do you think a country full of guys who aren't scared to get torn to pieces on a daily basis don't even bother anymore?"
[Citizen's Band] Lezard Valeth says, "This sounds familiar somehow."
[Citizen's Band] Turtle Tamer says, "'s what I thought."

A tiny voice, perhaps Lina's conscience, pipes up with a faint worry. Does this man know more about her than she thinks? Is he specifically pushing her-

This tiny little voice is met with Lina's mental fireball of STFU. The sorceress grins broadly and peers over her shoulder. "Just get me one of everything~" she calls out sweetly. "If you don't mind, I'd like to eat first. It's easier to talk business on a full stomach."

She grins sweetly and rests her wrists against the table, steepling her fingers.
"Not a problem." Lezard leans back, and watches the barmaids begin bringing platters of food and drink for Lina to consume. Slices of ham, heaping bowls of greens, roasted potatoes, venison, fish, and more.

Lezard quirks an eyebrow. Is she just trying to drain his purse, or is she really going to eat all of this? He sighs, and simply drinks more mead while he waits for Lina to inevitably fill herself up.

[Citizen's Band] Lezard Valeth says, "No, I was simply drawing a mental comparison to Asgard, with their Einjerhiar. It's not as different as you might think."
[Citizen's Band] Turtle Tamer says, "Look, nerdboy, back when we DID try, there were guys who took endless vacations, every /day of their lives/, in and out, to get stats previously thought unthinkable."
[Citizen's Band] Turtle Tamer says, "Sorceress almost tossed them on their ears faster than the ones who didn't. She's literally unbeatable."
[Citizen's Band] Lezard Valeth says, "Pardon me if I don't really care about your demented little plane."
[Citizen's Band] Turtle Tamer says, "Makes more sense than any of your planes I've found thus far."
[Citizen's Band] Lezard Valeth says, "That's because you are a native of that plane."
[Citizen's Band] Turtle Tamer says, "'zactly. I see how it works. Now you guys, I keep finding everything's been done, I dunno how to put it. Sloppy, maybe. Everything no matter what has these impossible to predict long term consequences"
[Citizen's Band] Lezard Valeth says, "And?"
[Citizen's Band] Turtle Tamer says, "No matter /what/. You drink too much one night. You're potentially screwed for life. That doesn't make any sense at all."
[Citizen's Band] Lezard Valeth says, "So you life in a world without significant consequences."
[Citizen's Band] Turtle Tamer says, "Course. I mean, sure, you get thrown through a meat grinder--it hurts, and the money it costs to fix yourself up can be a pain."
[Citizen's Band] Turtle Tamer says, "But, y'know, you can't totally mess yourself up for good based on /random chance/. That's ludicrous."

Lina rubs her hands together as the food is delivered, reaching for her utensils before stopping. She pulls out a small chain from around her neck which sports a glowing purple crystal. If Lezard listens closely, he can here the Turtle Tamer yapping through it. She taps the crystal and it stops glowing, the talking ceasing.

The necklace is returned to the inside of her shirt as she eyes the food appraisingly.

What follows is likely one of the most horrible displays of table manners Lezard has seen in a very long time. She, for the most part, doesn't even appear to /breathe/ between eating and finishes off what was set out for her a little too fast.

"Now.." Lina pulls a ham bone out of her mouth after sucking out the marrow, "Let's talk business."

[Citizen's Band] Zorin Blitz transmits sound of heavy rock hitting plastic. "Wiiiii!" CRUNCH. "Stee-rike!"
[Citizen's Band] Phantom says, "..."
[Citizen's Band] Zorin Blitz off radio, "Told ya a sledge would work!"

Lezard Valeth looks amused at first.

Amusement becomes worry.

Worry becomes shock.

Shock becomes horror.

Lezard is left staring as Lina singlehandedly demolishes everything on the table. Who knew that such a... slim figure... could consume so much food? He shakes his head, breaking the trainwreck fascination with Lina's consumption abilities, and he smiles wanly. "Of course." the empty places are removed, haunted looks fleeting across the faces of the barmaids. They leave a complimentary mug of mead for Lina as they retreat, laden with plates. Lezard, meanwhile, steeples his fingers on the table. "You see, I perform a large amount of research on various subjects. One that continues to elude me is the nature of ambient spiritual energies. I have been engaging in work to collect subjects for examination and experiments, but local conditions have been... Unpleasant." Lezard neatly brushes off the issues he's been having with Karakuran Death Gods. "As a result, I would like to offer you a sort of bounty. I wish to study the Pyreflies of Spira. I can provide capture recepticles if you lack them, but I expect a sorceress of your caliber could manage without. For each authentic pyrefly you bring me, I will give you one hundred gold. I shouldn't need any more than about fourty."

Lina smirks briefly at Lezard's reaction. It was always funny seeing it from people, especially when they try to think about her metabolism (which Lina doesn't understand herself but pretty much doesn't care). She takes the mead and begins to drink it while Lezard talks, an eyebrow already raised.

"A bounty, hm?" she speaks up after lowering the mug. "I don't think I've visited Spira yet so I have to know..what the heck's a pyrefly?" Lina looks a tiny bit miffled because, for the most part, it sounded like this man wants her to go on a magical butterfly hunt.

Lezard holds open his hand and mutters a few phrases, and a glittering ball of pale light manifests, trailing luminescence as it floats around. "This is what a pyrefly looks like. They are common in the world of Spira, but I haven't been able to go there myself with my current work." You're close, Lina! He wants you to go on a magical FIREFLY hunt! "If this doesn't interest you, however, there are other things I have been looking into that could possibly use your special touch."

"It sounds /easy/." An easy 4,000 gold at least. Lina rests her head in one of her hands, letting her free hand drum the table with her fingers. "And, frankly, a bit /beneath/ my abilities. Maybe, if I have free time myself, I'll do it. Out of curiosity, what /other/ things did you have in mind?"

"It might not be as easy as you think, but suit yourself." Lezard will let her find out about the other... interesting... capabilities of pyreflies on her own. "A second location I have been examining is the town of Karakura. There are corrupted spirits there called Hollows that attack people with high spiritual power. I have been performing research into them and am willing to pay 200 gold per Hollow you bring me. This is significantly more dangerous, due to the high hostility of the Hollows and potential intervention issues. It might be best if you didn't use my name there, as I made a poor first impression." To say the least.

"There is a third thing I seek. In the land of Amestris, there are legends of the 'Philosopher's Stone'. I don't expect you to be able to locate it, but if you happen to bring it to me, I will pay you ten thousand gold pieces for it, as well as a tome of knowledge from my library."

It'd be just Lina's luck to find out that pyreflies eat souls or some outrageous thing like that, wouldn't it? "Hollows...now /that/ sounds familiar." Lina leans back in her seat and taps a finger to her chin. Karakura did sound familiar too so it's possible she'd made a brief visit there in the past. "The Hollow thing sounds /much/ more interesting. I'd easily be able to draw them out, I know that." And they probably fry nicely from a ra tilt! "Hmm."

She suddenly shakes her head, "A Philosopher's stone? I don't know what sort of tomes of knowledge you have-er one wouldn't happened to be called the Claire Bible would it?-but the /Philospher's stone/ is certainly worth more than just ten thousand gold pieces."

"I could see what I can find on your Claire Bible. I may have it, or perhaps information on it, at least." He doesn't, but why not let her think otherwise? "The gold is simply icing on the cake. The real reward is the tome I would give you. It has information on various powerful spells and enchantments that I had found quite useful." Lezard shrugs, looking intent. "Perhaps you have a counteroffer?

[Fac-Syndicate] Albedo Piasora mutters something in Foreign. Speakers of Italian can tell he's reading off something about a quarantine.
[Fac-Syndicate] Dio Brando says, "What's been quarantined, then?"
[Fac-Syndicate] Albedo Piasora hm. Flip. "Most of the country. Want a list?" Eh heh heh.
[Fac-Syndicate] Dio Brando just curves an eyebrow. Audibly.
[Fac-Syndicate] Albedo Piasora, distracted from his reading: "How did you just do that?"

This /does/ get Lina's attention though. "Well." She says, steepling her fingers. "I am a powerful sorceress that knows many powerful spells and enchantments already, so I assume I'd have a bit of a choice as to which book I could get..." she holds her hands out to the sides, "After all, I would be very dissatisfied if I ended up getting something below my skill level. Or, well, something I /already/ know."

She leans forwards a little, "..additionally, the last time I dealt with a Philosopher's stone, it nearly brought about the end of my world. I'd say another zero added on to the money is in order."

[Fac-Syndicate] Albedo Piasora goes back to reading shortly. "Hm~m. 1347 to 1350...seems a shame to be going home then."
[Fac-Syndicate] Albedo Piasora snaps something closed and begins riffling through another something audibly. "November. It's November, right?"
[Fac-Syndicate] Zorin Blitz says, "Mmph, too early at night for me to be up."
[Fac-Syndicate] Ivanovna says, "November twenty-seventh local time at an irritating time of morning."
[Fac-Syndicate] Albedo Piasora, cheerily, "Good morning!"
[Fac-Syndicate] Phantom says, "There's nothing wrong with early night."
[Fac-Syndicate] Zorin Blitz says, "Good morning to you, too. I guess."
[Fac-Syndicate] Ivanovna says, "It's three in the morning, that is /not/ 'good'."
[Fac-Syndicate] Zorin Blitz says, "Used to waking up later and being up till around 8."
[Fac-Syndicate] Albedo Piasora snaps another something closed. "Of course it is. The early bird catches the plague! --So, so, so. November. Genoa, 1347, then."

"One hundred thousand, and a tome of powerful magic? Hmmm..." Lezard considers this for a moment, the light of the lanters lighting the tavern glinting off of his glasses. "How about sixty-thousand and a choice from a small sampling of tomes?"

[Citizen's Band] Albedo Piasora can be heard laughing to himself. "The Holy Roman Empire was neither. Discuss!"

"Eighty thousand." Lina replies, reaching for her mead. "And how many do you mean by 'small'? Five? Six?"

She sits back and frowns. Finding a Philosopher Stone in a specific world would be hard unless Lina's 'bad magical artifact' magnet kicks in.

"A selection of one tome from a group of five, let's say... and seventy thousand gold." Lezard counteroffers.

"Seventy-five." Lina shoots back near instantaneously, "And one out of five is fine." She pauses, then decides to backtrack a little, "I might take active interest in the Hollows thing, likely when I get too bored with the pyreflies." Which Lina suspects will be fairly quickly. Seriously, sparkly magic insects? Too easy!

Lina clearly doesn't know about their tendency to combine into monsters when they acheive high density levels. "Very well. A deal. As I said, I don't expect you to find the Stone regardless, but it is an opportunity for you. I will be attempting to locate it on my own." The Necromancer nods, and gestures. "Be careful when hunting Hollows. There are many dangers, not the least of which are the Hollows themselves. Seal them away and block out their power as best you can as to not attract unwanted attention."

"I have ways of finding things like these." Mostly pure freaking luck, really. "...oh yeah, about that, what is this 'unwanted attention' that 'aren't the Hollows themselves' you were talking about anyways? Honestly, I'd like to know some of these things in advance, after all."

"The Death Gods." Glint. Lezard looks up to watch Lina. "They don't appreciate my research, even though I am removing dangerous threats from their midst. They attacked me. I recommend you evade them if you can. It's not worth fighting them unless you truly wish to test your mettle."

[Fac-Syndicate] Albedo Piasora hmm. "So far, so good. I suppose you can only police a quarantine you know about, huh?"
[Fac-Syndicate] Albedo Piasora quips, "There's an entrance."

[Live News] Albedo Piasora | Thirty seconds of grainy video footage with a time and location stamp that indicate they're being transmitted from somewhere in Genoa, Italy during the Dark Ages play on-channel. It's a child's-eye view of some kind of mecha stomping on houses and sending a (very small) number of people running. Maybe screaming, but there's no sound attached, so it's hard to tell. Click.

"/Death Gods/?" Lina nearly chokes on her ale. "...wait, gods? As in more than one?" The sorceress looks thoughtfully. Generally, the more gods there were around, the weaker they were. Hmm. "Well I have had the opportunity to fight /a/ god before but I'm not sure if I can hold my own against more than one. You haven't encountered one, have you?"

Lezard nods. "There is indeed more than one. There are those in black robes. Most of them are of little problem. The ones in white robes, however, with decorative trim, are trouble. There is also a boy with orange spiked hair and a massive blade with no hilt. He is also trouble. Avoid those at all costs, because you will likely be hard-pressed to beat more than one at once. This is why I am offering more money, for the greater dangers. Try to hide your powers and use small pulses to draw the Hollows to you for capturing."

"Wait...they're..people?" And here Lina was thinking of some massive monsterous beast the size of a town. "Now that sounds interesting. And dangerous..." But it's darn good money. "But thanks for the advice. How easily contained are Hollows? Can you imprison them like demons?"

"Yes, they are people, usually dressed in black robes and bearing katana. Their blades have special powers, so be prepared." Lezard was ready for the other question. He removes a small packet from his cloak, and slides it towards Lina. Within is a complex series of diagrams and incantations that formed the root metaphysics of the spell detailed at the end. It's not very complex to Lina's estimation, but having it will allow her to make her own version easily enough. "I've used this spell to bind them. It traps them into a small crystal. The stronger ones may need to be weakened some first. It will only work on Hollows and creatures of low spiritual power, so don't try it on a Death God."

"..blades with special powers?" Lina looks a shade more interested and nearly misses the object slid towards her. She does, eventually, notice and pick it up. "Huh." Lina looks over the diagrams and, for the most part, seems to understand them. She did go to a mages academy, after all. "This looks simple enough. I suppose my only real problem would be the death gods if any come and give me trouble."

"Their katana are called Soul Slayers. They are used to slay Hollows and transmigrate the more benign lost souls. They each have their own power which the wielder can awaken by calling out their name. If you meet a Death God, either hit them hard and fast, or escape."

Lezard's glasses glint again. "If you do happen to defeat a Death God, however... And bring me their Soul Slayer, I am willing to reward you for it."

"...hmmm." Lina smiles. "I dunno, Lezard, if I go through all the trouble of defeating one, I'll probably keep the sword to myself, to be honest." She leans forwards just a little, "But I would consider, perhaps, equivalent offers if you were to make them for one."

She leans back again, resting against the back of her seat, "But that's thinking a little too far ahead. I'd have to get one first." She slips the small magical notes Lezard made into a pouch around her waist.

"In order to do that, I would require one for study, you realize." Lezard chuckles. "But I don't believe it is outside of my capabilities." Lezard drains his mug of mead. "Is there anything else you wish to speak of?"

[Fac-Syndicate] Albedo Piasora chuckles, the noise just a /little/ better than a growl. "You. Pilot. If you're on this channel, I want to--/speak/ with you."
[Fac-Syndicate] Sayoko Tanaka the sudden click of response, followed by a feminine Russian voice speaks out over the radio. "This is Dr.Tanaka... how can I be of service here?"
[Fac-Syndicate] Albedo Piasora says, "Oh, a /woman/. How can you be of service?" Heh heh heh. "/Well/, I can think of one or two ways unfit for young ears, so let's go with the easiest one. Get out of here."
[Fac-Syndicate] Sayoko Tanaka cackles loudly over the radio, in her typical arrogant manor. "What is in it for me if I leave? You have something to offer or are you just going to beg ?"
[Fac-Syndicate] Albedo Piasora says, "Neither. I'm going to kill you if you don't."
[Fac-Syndicate] Albedo Piasora says, "Or perhaps you'd like to volunteer? I've been wondering how /viable/ this plague is."
[Fac-Syndicate] Kiyohime, Not Shizuru Fujino says, "I would prefer it if you did not kill each other."
[Fac-Syndicate] Albedo Piasora chuckles. "And the world would be better if we didn't have to, hmmm?"
[Fac-Syndicate] Kiyohime, Not Shizuru Fujino says, "Better? I wouldn't know. However, I do know that killing other members of the syndicate, unless it is warranted, is bad for business."
[Fac-Syndicate] Sayoko Tanaka says, "I am not interested in your threats. I am here for the ore, or whatever else I may find of value." Sayoko then responds to Kiyohime. "And yes... killing is so unproductive. But leave it to the small minded to resort to death threats." She sayed the last in words thick with mocking sentiment."

"I'll tell you all about it." Lina smiles slighly insincerely. "What's all this research for anyways?" Granted, she doesn't sound all that curious about it, and even slightly bored, but she doesn't look like she's going anywhere until she finds out.

[Fac-Syndicate] Albedo Piasora says, "Ahhh, but she's given so few options. And I'm not interested in what she's offering--women, all the /same/."
[Fac-Syndicate] Albedo Piasora then desynchs audibly.
[Fac-Syndicate] Kiyohime, Not Shizuru Fujino says, "The same Mr. Piasora? Perhaps but.... aaah... There he goes. A pity."
[Fac-Syndicate] Sayoko Tanaka cackles. "Ohh, boo hoo... you are in my space. Men... such whiny little babies. Anything I could help you with while I am out here, stranger?
[Fac-Syndicate] Kiyohime, Not Shizuru Fujino says, "Me? Ahh. Nothing, nothing at all. Just bring back something profitable."
[Fac-Syndicate] Sayoko Tanaka says, "Always a goal... but I could use some backup over here. I dont think he is going to let me go without interferance."
[Fac-Syndicate] Kiyohime, Not Shizuru Fujino says, "Do what you can. Try not to antagonize Mr Piasora too much miss. Is there anyone interested in helping her out?"

"The nature of the spirit, and what the effects of such negative energy have on such a spirit. I am working to collect information on this to assist myself in my goals against the Gods." Among other things. Lezard doesn't tell ALL of his tricks. "After all, my main opposition are beings of such spiritual eminence."

[Fac-Syndicate] Unsleeping Bride asks so quietly she must be whispering to herself, "Give me a woman's name, please."
[Fac-Syndicate] Kiyohime, Not Shizuru Fujino says, "A woman's name? Haruka."
[Fac-Syndicate] Lezard Valeth says, "Lenne- I mean, Elena."
[Fac-Syndicate] Ivanovna, who apparently heard: "Raisa."
[Fac-Syndicate] Frozen Heart says, "Song Bird."
[Fac-Syndicate] Unsleeping Bride murmurs, "Thank you," before something rustles and chimes once.

"Wow, that's, uh, really ambitious." Lina frowns. "Don't get yourself killed over it, I mean, usually, the Gods just aren't worth messing with." Lina would know! Of course, she choses not to elaborate on this at all. "Well, uh, good luck with that."
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