The Olympics start tonight! WOOT!
The only event I watch is hockey. :)
Pimping time!
Over at
tm_challenge there are two challenges.
Wyatt 'Freaking' Cain icon challenge and the
I've Seen This Show challenge. I have no clue what to do for the writing challenge so I probably won't enter it.
Over at
woz_stills there's a fun challenge. I have one set that I'm thinking about, but I would like to enter another set. I just need to figure out which scene to quote from.
Challenge 27 is still going on over at
tinman100. It'll end when it ends.
Speaking of
tm_challenge, I won second place, third place, and fav color for Round 7B - Azkadellia. Yeah, to say I was shocked is an understatement. I didn't expect that at all. Thanks to everyone who voted!