Don't be shocked!

Apr 22, 2011 22:02

If we're not friends on FB or IRL, then you don't know that I've moved. From (near) Buffalo NY to (near) St. Augustine FL.

We left Buffalo oh, Feb 1st or 2nd. It was about 7 degrees. It was in the 40's here in the mornings, but it warmed up nicely most days. In Buffalo there was a ton of snow on the ground, here it rained some.

But in only a couple weeks the weather was GREAT. I get to the beach. I'm running A/C on the hottest days. I (don't tell anybody) use the A/C in the car AND have the windows down. I couldn't understand why my friend who just bought a boat is waiting to put it in the water. She's still in Buffalo...and has to wait for the ice in the Lake to melt.

Today I was talking to my mom on the phone. She asked if I miss Buffalo.

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