(no subject)

May 08, 2006 23:49

Bitter sweet feelings
Cant do anything about them
Do I waste away?
Do I wait for something to happen?
Do I try to make something happen?
Do my feelings even matter?
Why try to fight a fight you cant win?
Why do I hurt myself with these thoughts?
Quit caring
It's easier
Fuck it
Fuck her
Fuck him
Fuck them
Twisted knots in your stomach
The knife in your heart
The wound bleeds in place of your unshed tears
Show your emotions and you are weak...
Keep it inside, let it fester
Feel it rot away everything
Your memories cause you pain...
Fuck it
Fuck her
Fuck him
Fuck them
Quit your attempts to find love
It doesn't exist
What you think you have isn't real
You're holding on to a razor
The more you try to keep hold of it
The more you bleed
Fuck it
Fuck her
Fuck him
Fuck them
Carve your heart out
Throw it at her feet
Atleast you won't feel it,
As she stabs it with pins and needles
Fuck it...
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