Sep 03, 2008 21:42

I don't know.

I could finish my degree at UFV, because it's a legit university and then I would have my degree no problem and I'm already on that track and abbotsford is pretty close to vancouver I guess....but the thing is, is that I am doing it now and the idea of my life not changing for another 3 years is soooo dismal. Sometimes I just cant stand the idea of waiting so long for a chance to grow up a bit and being stuck in my old room and in my old side of town makes it hard to believe that that will happen. I wouldn't mind a crack at living a different lifestyle you know?
I could also go to school for this semester, but when it ends in december I could then work fulltime until say around june and then move out to vancouver, which would be awesome. I would love a huge change like that, and I think I would love living with someone and just doing my young 20 something best time of my life out all the time thing. And I would work while I lived there full time and put a hold on the schooling. Just for a year though, I acutally DO want to finish my degree at some point.
The other ingredient in my wishes is the element of York. Toronto. Sexuality honours minor. How awesome!! I read all about it and it is sooo what I love. I could finish my Media and communications/ Sociology major/minor here (I dont even know which will be which anymore.) and then I could go to York for a year and get that honours minor to add to my overall degree. Would they let me do that I wonder though...I don't know the policies on that at all, I should email them and ask whats what. I mean I'd be starting fresh for something else I want so it's not like I got anything from UFV for it, but maybe  you can only do it with a major...hmmmmmmm. Or, also, I could go to van for a year and then go to Toronto and finish ALL of my stuff at York. This would be the scariest and most risky and far fetched option. But also the most appealing. and the most difficult. Throw in the fact that I would ALSO like to go to Denmark or something for a year and work and travel around, and you have....uh me I guess.

I don't know the right answer!!
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