It was a title of
Banco de Gaia's second album -
"Last Train to Lhasa". He's chosen it not being aware that the meaning lies deeper than he thinks, as puts it:
In 1994 the Chinese government announced it's latest blow to Tibet; it is now planning to build a railway through to Lhasa which, as well as making it easier to continue their plunder and destruction of Tibet's natural resources, will also make it even easier to move vast numbers of settlers into the heart of the country and complete once and for all the destruction of the Tibetan's culture and traditions. When I chose the title 'Last Train To Lhasa' for my second album I was not actually aware of this fact, the name being more of an ironic joke as no trains run to Lhasa and it seemed incongruous that any should cross the ancient, mysterious land I had so fallen in love with. The news of the Chinese's plan now seems to symbolise the great spiritual and cultural loss which is looming; instead of a country of deep devotion and spiritual attainment with perhaps the greatest understanding on the planet of the human soul and psyche developed over thousands of years, Tibet will become another mess of iron and diesel, the chants of the monks being replaced by the rumble of trucks and machinery, the prayer flags and banners by concrete tower blocks and radio masts. One can agree or disagree with what Toby Marks (a.k.a. Banco de Gaia) thinks on the subject, but 14 years after the album's release, against the background of protests all over the world concerning Tibet, its title song's music video is very timely.
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Short summary in Ukrainian:
Британський виконавець Банко де Ґайа випустив 1994-го року альбом під назвою "Останній потяг до Лхаси". Як він сам зізнавався, обираючи назву, він радше жартував: до Лхаси, столиці Тибету, не вела залізниця. Однак якраз на момент виходу альбому стали відомі плани китайського уряду побудувати залізницю до Тибету, аби полегшити переселення туди колоністів з інших регіонів Китаю.
Минуло 14 років, - а на тлі протестів в усьому світові щодо ситуації в Тибеті, пісня та кліп до неї є на часі, як ніколи.