The softer sound

Feb 26, 2018 17:17

I am not embarrassed to state that I often prefer softer, mellower music in general.  With today's unlimited music choices, a radio station (including SiriusXM) had better play a song I like or tolerate or PING goes the button.  I'm guessing most people are the same way, but with me, those songs I like trend towards melodic, great orchestrations, catchy soft tunes, quieter stuff.  (My friend A would remind me key changes or modulation would also count.)

What brought this "revelation" on?  Today while I was driving, SiriusXM played a song I rarely hear outside of my own collection -- "Mr. Blue" by the Fleetwoods.  That's one of my favorite songs, period, and a frequent go-to song when for whatever reason my mind needs a song to occupy it (which isn't often).  M and Jay Lake used to make great fun of the music in my head and I enjoyed playing along.

A few minutes after "Mr. Blue," a different SiriusXM station played "Since I Fell for You" by Lenny Welch, a song which nobody reading this will remember.  Well, **I** not only remember it, but I bought it from a record store once.  I remember the salesperson asking "Are you sure you want this?" before selling me the record; it was so unlike the type of song someone my age would buy.  I liked it, and I still do.  Hearing that the same day as "Mr. Blue" was quite a positive experience for me.  (I've been told I'm a cheap date.)

Both those tunes are soft and, perhaps not so coincidentally, are right in my vocal range.  Both would likely turn off many from my generation, but I'm not a typical member of my generation.

I do like a wide variety of music and musical styles, but my preferred listening experience is softer, mellow music.

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