I have recently been a bit enamored with John Scalzi's blog -- his writing (of course) is excellent, clear, and often fun. His worldview in large part echoes mine. And regularly I have to stop and think about a lot of things once I've read something of his.
Today's blog by Mr. Scalzi hit pretty close to Ground Zero for me. Here's a link to his piece:
https://whatever.scalzi.com/2018/01/29/meet-keith-johnson/ You are welcome to read some of it or all of it, but his initial response to the numbskull who wrote the original question could have been my own response, with just a few words changed. Two of my all-time favorite teachers were gay and both had an enormous influence on me. Probably not coincidentally, both were English teachers, so I especially chuckled at Mr. Scalzi's initlal response to Mr. Numbskull.
I could write my own full response, and may in the future. For now, I cannot top Mr. Scalzi.
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