In which I indulge my love of statistics and spreadsheets

Jan 10, 2014 22:37

Belated end-of-year post

So, in 2014 I wrote 130,000 words, of which 100,000 were fanfic, and of which around 65,000 actually got posted. (Because when I count how many words I've written, you can be damn sure I also count the words that got written and then edited back out again ;) There are also a string of unfinished stories in that unposted 35,000.)

I'm pretty pleased with that, even it's a bit less than what I was hoping for. Initial goal for the year was 150,000 and until early November everything was going swimmingly. Then RL happened... see the sad tale told by the graphic below.

So a rather rubbish end to the year, fanfic-writing-wise. I ended up writing a very short fic for Yuletide, and defaulting on DSSS altogether, which was horrible.

Here's to making up for all that in 2014!

As for fandoms, this was the breakdown:

I was a little surprised by the dominance of just the one fandom... My reading habits were a lot more heterogeneous.

Interesting to compare that to 2012 [not with the same colour scheme, argh!]:

2011, on the other hand, was 100% Holmes...

writings, statistics

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