(no subject)

May 08, 2011 01:16

Heyheyhey whose personal headcanon is absolutely one hundred percent correct when it comes to James's parents? MINE. Children of divorced parents who can't stand each others' faces recognize children of divorced parents who can't stand each others' faces, okay?

I actually had a great many things to say about that episode and how happy it made me and how I smiled the whole entire time and how when James stutters m-m-my mom I kind of wanted to cradle him like a puppy and scratch behind his ears, but NEVERMIND THAT. BECAUSE I JUST SAW THE MOST RECENT EPISODE OF FRINGE.

MY MIND IS OFFICIALLY FUCKED. Like, no, JJ Abrams, I officially forgive you for the travesty that was Lost. I don't forgive you for the many, many conversations I've had to suffer through with my boyfriend and my co-worker about how LOST IS THE BEST SHOW EVER OMG ♥ ♥ ♥ But I probably shouldn't blame you for their bad taste anyway.

Gif related side note- the newest episode of D-Who was adorkable.

Okay, so I actually didn't come on here to gush about television. I came on here to explain why you should go read the newest chapter of Shut Your Eyes.

1. I wrote something that kind of resembles smut. When you read it, it's kind of like watching me lose my virginity. No, really.

2. It took me two hours to post. TWO HOURS. First, LJ decided that it didn't like my word document.

Which made me go:

Then LJ decided that I was over the word limit, despite the fact that I was at least two thousand words under the limit. Which involved a lot of fiddling with the html and going:

AND THEN LJ decided that all the font should be of varying color and size. At that point, it was four thirty in the morning, and I was screaming this at my laptop:

3. I wrote one half of the chapter to my SYE playlist and the other half to this song. This isn't really a reason, but I feel like I should credit it for playing muse.

image Click to view

I should also credit my good friend laxgoalie16 for being the most foul mouthed driver I know. She's to blame for all the lovely things that come out of Camille's mouth. Because seriously, guys, most of the things I scream at cars are obscure political references about terrorism and Kashmir. Not even lying here.

Okay, to sum up:

Dear LJ,

Dear f-list,

Go, watch my cherry get popped.

james maslow has voodoo eyes, tv: fringe, my boyband is better than yours bb, fic: i write it, tv: doctor who/torchwood

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