Avi's Turn

Jun 04, 2003 14:53

This one was harder...

Questionnaire #2 -- Favourites
What is your favourite...

Season? Despite all the holidays and craziness, Fall.

Food? My mom's chicken soup. Especially when I'm sick or sad.

Animal? I don't know that I have one. I haven't really thought about it.

Colour? Blue. All sorts, though I've got a special fondness for royal blue.

Time of day? Morning, before things get really busy and the world is quiet.

Weapon? Words.

Questionnaire #3 - Background
Tell us about...

Your place of birth. I was born in the Boston area and have lived here most of my life.

Your childhood. Pretty typical for an Orthodox Jewish kid. I went to the local yeshiva from Kindergarten through 12th grade, then did a year in Israel between high school and college - followed more than half my class there and ended up at Yeshivat HaKotel.

Your parents. My mom bucked the trend for women in her family and actually went not only to college but also to graduate school. She's a history teacher at the local public school. My dad's a lawyer and a professor, teaching Constitutional Law at Boston University's law school.

Your siblings. Two siblings, both younger. My brother, Jacob - Ya'akov - Jake - is probably my closest friend. He's two years younger than me. My sister, Eva - Chava - is 25 now. We're close, but not as close as Jake and I are.

Your (current) home. I live in a two-bedroom apartment in Brookline, paying absolutely ridiculous rent, but it's so worth it to have a home office instead of having my desk/computer/etc. set up in the living room, as I did in my previous apartment.

Your favourite "hang out". Jake's apartment. Though I like hanging out at Dalia's place, too.

Questionnaire #4 - Skills
Can you read? Yes, and I do so voraciously.

Can you write? Yes. But I can't always spell.

Can you sing? Yes. I sing with an a cappella group, actually.

Can you play an instrument? I play piano passably; mostly I do it when working on a new arrangement or whatever, or trying to learn my part of a new piece.

What languages do you speak? English and Hebrew. I am also fluent in American Sign Language (ASL), but it's not a language I technically "speak."

What weapons can you use? What's with all these questions about weapons? My words, my voice is my main weapon, and I wield it as needed.

Please feel free to elaborate upon the questions by going into detail of learning the skills, etc.

Questionnaire #5 - Secrets

Are you good at keeping secrets about yourself? Yeah.

What is your best kept secret? Had you asked me last year, I would've said that I didn't have any serious secrets. Now, it's much more complex. I think my two best-kept secrets at the moment are (a) that I'm gay confused and (b) that I'm not sure what (a) means for my religious beliefs.

What is your worst kept secret? That I'm a serious language geek.

Are you good at keeping secrets about others? I like to think so.

What secret about someone else have you kept and wish you hadn't? I can't think of any.

What secret about someone else have you not kept and wish you had? I can't think of any.

Questionnaire #6 - Sex

Are you a virgin? *blush* Do I have to answer this?

You don't have to, but I'd appreciate an answer.


Do you mate for life? I'd like to think so. Though I have no data by which to judge this.

Who was your first lover? (or, if you are a virgin -- Who would you like your first lover to be?) *blush*

Avi, that's not an answer.

I can't do this. It's too...

C'mon, Avi. It's perfectly safe to tell me. It's not like I'm going to tell the person you're interested in. And, anyway, I think I've got a good idea of who it is.

Am I that obvious? *sigh* Dan. Even though, if he were to make a move, I'd probably run screaming from the room and hide in a corner.

Who is your current lover? I don't have one. OK? I don't think I could be any more embarrassed than I am right this minute.

What is your favourite sexual position? OK, I was wrong. I'm even more embarrassed now.

What are your kinks? I wouldn't even know how to begin to answer this question.
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