Apr 18, 2006 23:34
I got tagged by bandit_genrou:
Once you've been tagged, you have to write a blog with 8 weird things/habits about yourself. Then, pick 8 friends to tag and list their names.
I know I don't "have" to, but in a way, I want to.
garnet_mariposa's 8 Gr8 weirdnesses:
*1: I enjoy little old lady hobbies like tea, embroidery/sewing, and crocheting.
*2: My ultimate dream growing up was to get married and be a mother. Explains a whole lot, doesn't it? Now I hope that someday, someone will find my secret journals and be greatly inspired by them.
*3: I am unable to smell skunk.
*4: I strongly admire people who are so self-confident that they openly talk about farting/poop/sex, and are unafraid to say "fuck you", and express their true opinions out loud.
*5: I am not so self-confident that I openly talk about farting/poop/sex, and am unafraid to say "fuck you", and express my true opinions out loud.
*6: I fart. Everyday. Especially after beans.
*7: I feel afraid to tell people the truth, because I truly believe I will hurt them/they will stop liking me/the person will fight with me. I'd rather lie and keep things happy and peaceful, then tell the truth and ruin a good thing. I'd rather, when offended or upset, be silent and "take it", than to express my feelings and "talk it out". Now I have a reputation of being a liar, few of my friends, if any, trust me to be honest, and I have no way to prove that I'm really trying to get better about the whole thing. (It brings tears to my eyes to write this.)
*8: I wish I had extra spots to write more random stuff. (and in case that doesn't count: I think my drawings look a hell of a lot better than a lot of other people's drawings).
Also, for some reason, I have been very, very mean lately, and I am unable to explain why.
Other than "PMS", but that's an excuse, not an explanation.