Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest........review and spoilers

Jul 06, 2006 05:20

Behind the cut are spoilers and my opinions on Disney's latest movie Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

It starts off with a prison scene and Jack being tossed into the ocean in a coffin that he cleverly escapes from. From there we move on to the wedding of Elizabeth and Will that should have taken place but sadly we are lacking a groom. Here they go straight into it, the wedding didn't take place and we see Elizabeth on the ground as it rains. We are introduced to Lord Beckett and his weasley little assist or whatever he is who announces the charges against the couple.

Jack is having troubles of his own with his compass that is no longer working for him and his crew notes his odd behavior but still follow him as their captain. In the bowels of his ship we are introduced to Bootstrap Bill Turner who warns Jack that Davy Jones is after him to collect a debt that was made thirteen years ago. After this Jack is even more paranoid as a black mark appears on his hand. He is determined to get to land, any land to avoid being caught.

Will makes a deal with Beckett to find Jack. In exchange of Elizabeth's freedom Beckett wants Will to retrieve something from Jack- the compass. Along with the exchange Will is to deliver a letter of Marque that will give Jack a legal right be a privateer in the name of England. We do learn though that it was Beckett who branded Jack with the P make he bares on his arm. Will accepts and sets off to find Jack.

Will finally finds someone to take him to Jack and he finds him and the crew of the Black Pearl on an island. Jack is the king of a bunch of cannibals who eventually try to kill him. They think he is a god trapped in a body and they have to free him. Will ends up in a sphere made of human bones along with some of the crew. Outsmarting the cannibals everyone escapes and they pick up Pintel and Ragetti along the way while escaping the island.

Governor Swan makes a deal with a friend to get Elizabeth to England. The plan back fires but Elizabeth escapes and finds passage on a ship so she can find Will and Jack after tricking the crew of the ship she is upon.

Back on the Pearl Will demands the compass and before long he is tricked into a scheme by Jack. In exchange for finding the key that unlocks the chest of Davy Jones he will give Will the compass.

Jack and company go to Tia Dalma in hopes that she can tell him where to find the key he seeks. She tells him of the story of Davy Jones and his heart as well. She also gives them a lead on where to find Davy Jones.

Eventually Davy Jones meets up with Jack and demands 100 souls in exchange for his freedom. Will counts as one of them so Jack needs 99 more in three days. Will ends up stuck on the Flying Dutchman. He reunites with his father after all those years. Elizabeth finds Jack in Tortuga where he is recruiting crew members who are the unsuspecting souls for Davy Jones. Norrington finds Jack and signs up. Fights ensue because he is pissed with Jack and in the end Norrington boards the Pearl.

Bootstrap helps Will escape and returns to the others who are trying to keep out of the reach of Davy Jones and the Kraken that is after them. They end up meeting on an island where the chest containing the heart of Davy Jones is buried. Will, Jack and Norrington fight over the chest and who gets it. Each wants it for their own use or gains. Elizabeth meanwhile stands aside as they fight for it. Jack manages to steal the heart from the chest without the others realizing it. Pintel and Ragetti steal the chest. Everyone ends up running and fighting the crew of Davy Jones who found them. On the island the guys also fight over the key, end up fighting on a wheel that rolls away with them on it, etc.

Jack hides the heart in a jar of dirt that Tia Dalma gave him. Norrington realizes it and steals the heart.

The crew fights Davy Jones again once back on the Black Pearl and in the end decide to abandon ship in hopes of escaping while the Kraken destroys it. Elizabeth kisses Jack and tricks him. He ends up cuffed to the mast while the others leave the ship. Elizabeth lies, saying he decided to go down with the ship. He actually frees himself with oil from a lantern. The Kracken spits up the hat he lost in the beginning of the movie and then Jack faces the creature as the crew watches on as they get away.

Norrington presents Lord Beckett with the heart he managed to get from the jar.

Jack's crew along with Will and Elizabeth go back to Tia Dalma's and mourn Jack's death. They decide to go after Davy Jones but need a captain. The last scene ends with a pair of boots being shown coming down the stairs and it turns out to be Barbossa who is still alive.

After the credits we have a clip of the dog with the key sitting on Jack's thrown with a bone in his mouth while surrounded by the cannibals.


The movie was good though it felt like there were too many storylines going on and it left me confused a time or two.

The introduction of the new characters was nice but I got tired of Davy Jones and his chest after a while.

The action scenes were good. All the sword fighting sequences were great. The island scenes with the wheel and sword fights were exciting.

I loved the whole cannibals scene with Jack and how he talked to them. In the end the poor pirate ended up over the fire while the cannibals went off to deal with the rest of the crew who had been trying to escape.

You could feel the tension between Elizabeth and Jack but I was shocked when she actually kissed him. She only did it to distract him long enough to cuff him to the mast so the others could get away safely since as long as Jack was with them they were in danger.

When Will witnessed the kiss you could tell he felt betrayed and hurt. He wasn't aware that it was only a ploy to help the others.

At Tia Dalma's in the last scene you could see that Elizabeth was wrestling with the choice she made with Jack by cuffing him. Will probably thought she was mourning the pirate. He didn't speak to her and you could sense the tension to a certain degree.

The whole cliffhanger ending I hated with a passion. At least they could have done it better and not left you hanging quite so much. They could have closed up or dealt with a few of the storylines instead of leaving them all for the third movie next May.

I'm most likely going to see it again tonight when they play it again. Hopefully I'll pick up on the few things I missed when Sean just had to ask me questions. People need to learn the value of silence during a movie. Do not disturb me when PotC or Johnny Depp are on the big screen.

potc2, potc2 review, movies

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