Attack of the ratdog eyed manager, work, and Xmas stuff.

Dec 25, 2005 04:22

Merry Christmas everyone. And a Happy belated Birthday to arikia.

If I were smart I'd be in bed sound asleep and but I'm not. My head hurts, my ears ache and crackle and my allergies are the cause of it. Or for the most part though I think the headache originated from Brittany's perfume since I'm sensitive to a lot of them and most give me a headache. I'm functioning on three hours of sleep once more and yet I don't feel like heading to bed. I need to have my head examined. And since I'm lucky to have Christmas off I should be taking advantage of it and catching up on some long deserved sleep.

Anywho, Friday at work was a bitch. Harris was working and had all three of us concessionists, Lynne, Tasheena and myself, piss off to no end. She was annoying in general and then decided that we should clean the nozzles to the soda towers on the opposite side of the stand. She fails to note that we are dealing with customers and other things. And we haven't even used that side as of late. Lynne had words with Harris over the towers because she felt we were busy enough as it was without that minuscule task to be tended to. The three of us were complaining behind Harris' back as usual. Then we were annoyed that the night shift from Thursday failed to fill up the soda room, leaving us with no popcorn so I had to trek upstairs and down three time with a total of fifteen bags of popcorn so the shelves were restocked. And as usual the managers are too lazy anymore to have some nachos made for us or have the hotdogs on the grill. The morning shift has enough to do without having to deal with that when we have about fifteen minutes to set up before the doors are opened. And Chris not doing ice had us annoyed.

To break some of the tension, I was joking with Tasheena about beating various people with the broom for the stupid stuff they did to piss us off and how she was hoping the checks would come early. I said she'd sit by the door and as soon as the FedEx truck pulled up front she'd launch herself out the door and at the guy, making he fall on his back while she made a grab for the checks. Then to escape Harris and just cool down before we snapped we took out the trash together when we only had two light bags that usually requires one person. And we took our time restocking the popcorn room again even though it was okay.

As usual we were closed out late. Harris takes my money and practically explains what I have to do before leaving. Now see here Mrs. Permeant PMS, I am not some newbie to the job. I've been there seven and a half months and am quite aware of my duties. And it was even so nice of you to announce that you would unlock the candy case so I could refill the cases. And because of the bitch Lynne's drawer wasn't taken until 5 and we're supposed to be done by 5:15. Lynne ended up staying a little later because of it while Tasheena and I left since everything else was completed. And as I felt I had a pissed off look on my face and I let anyone and everybody see it.

And with Harris, you have to love how she slightly narrows her rat dog eyes as she looks down her nose at you at times. Miserable bitch. Wanna give dirty looks? Hell, I'll match you to it and I bet I can give looks that are just as dirty. It comes quite natural to me. 'Tis one of my many talents.

Saturday was a lot better though considerably slower for a Saturday. Then again it might have been because it was X-mas eve and families had things to do which was fine with me. Tasheena and I manage to keep one another occupied by talking most of the time.

I witnessed a most amusing sight as well. A father came in with his daughter and bought the usual popcorn and soda. As they walked away the father caught my attention. The guy was wearing a pleated denim skirt with workboots, not to mention he had a few earrings in his left ear including a few gaged holes. Many a curious gaze followed him as he walked down the hallway. I even made it look like I was making up more nachos just so I could get a second peak. I'm not sure if it was supposed to be a kilt or if he simply was wearing a regular skirt.

Tasheena and I got most of what we usual do at the end of our shift done early so we were out of there by 4:30 instead of 5:30. Yay. It seems like the two of us are becoming buddies. We went on break together and sat in the same movie and then afterwards clocked back in and just sat in the hallway talking and wasting time so we didn't have to go right back out. She sat on some cart while I sat on the floor. We also fetched more popcorn and did some other stuff just so we didn't have to wait on people.

Jenn and Stef picked me up and we grabbed McDonalds and went back to Jenn's for a while. Then it was off to Aunt Carmela Randanella's for dinner which wasn't that good. As a poor excuse of an Italian who does not eat the seven fishes, I ate bland spaghetti and meatballs. Then Jenn, Tony, Stef, Britt and I played a game until it was dessert time. Finally leaving, I had Jenn drop me off at home while they were out driving around.

As for my Christmas plans I don't know what I'm doing. We're invited over Danielle and Mike's but I think I might just stay home, catch up on my sleep and do my own thing.

As someone who doesn't care for X-mas I'm not missing out on much and would prefer to remain home where I'm more content and in my own element. I'd enjoy myself more at home anyhow.

For presents we got a few things from family. One cousin and her husband gave us baskets with different stuff in them, a few aunts gave us money which is always good. And my dad's sister who we haven't had dealings with in about ten or eleven years but reemerged after Mom died left presents on our doorstep the other day. She gave Stefanie and I each $50 gift cards to Wal-Mart and fuzzy scarves she made herself. Jenn's grandparents gave us stuff as well. I got a book, some bath stuff I won't use and some chapsticks.

My LJ is now paid up until December of 2006. Stefanie gave me a paid account as a gift and tonight I bought myself six months of 100 user icons. Guess I'll be either making or searching for icons now. Maybe I'll even get my act together and get that damn moodtheme finished one of these days if I can find the motivation I sadly lack.

family, work, harris, guy in a skirt, christmas

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