More shopping, work, hanging out with the gang and the usual Jenn ranting.

Dec 10, 2005 07:42

Wednesday night Stef, Jenn and I went to the mall since Jenn had to do more Christmas shopping. This time she needed a shirt for Tony. She doesn't buy what he likes to wear but what she wants him to wear. She's trying to change the guy, I swear. I bought one book, BAD Attitude by Sherrilyn Kenyon and then two PotC pins and a keychain in Hot Topic. We played with a Pekinese in the pet store and Jenn proceeds to call Tony from her cell and tell him she wants a $1600 dog. She expects him to buy her one since she thinks the two of them will live together eventually. She's determined to have a small dog and cat. She expects him to buy her everything, no matter how expensive. As we were leaving we ran into Steve and talked with him a few minutes. When we said our good-byes he actually hugged me for once. Normally he hugs everyone else but me but maybe he's getting use to me or I don't seem as standoffish like I usually am. I might be mellowing in my old age and loosening up finally.

I thought work on Thursday would have drug on and been boring but I was wrong. Jess who was supposed to work box never showed up or called out so Tasheena was sent to box and was told to just rip the tickets when she sold them. When there were no customers she was over at the concession stand talking with me. Ms. McDonald and Ms. Harris were the only managers working and left us alone, never telling us to do something else to look busy which was out of character for Harris since she is most likely to tell you to do some kind of cleaning. I had some of the stuff done early so I didn't have to do it before I left. And Chris came in at four so I talked to him for an hour and was acting slightly goofy which is out of character for me at work. I guess I'm comfortable enough around him to let loose. A few times I wanted to make a few sarcastic comments but held back. While he was assembling a display for a movie he asked where the nuts were. I wanted to make a sarcastic comment but didn't.

Chris noticed some white paper left over from when I wrote down my schedule and asked if they were love notes. Jokingly I said they were invisible ones. He looked at one and pretended it said, "I love Chris". To be cute I wrote, "I *heart* Chris Lowe" on one and gave it to him. Then I left him a note in his drawer so he could find it later. That one said "Willy Wonka" and a few other things. Willy Wonka is a joke we have been him, Stef and myself.

We got in a new clock in machine. The old one used a swipe card which as easy as cake but the new one is more high tech. This one requires the user to enter their code they use to clock into their computers if they are in concession or box and then scan your finger. Luckily my right index finger worked. When Chris came in I was talking to him about the machine and said about the finger print. Something led to me saying if none of the fingers work try the middle fingers and I held them both up to him and he laughed. And oddly enough his middle finger was the only one he could use.

I was introduced to the new girl, Rebecca, who seems okay even if I didn't exchange many words with her.

Yesterday we were supposed to get a bunch of snow but that was joke. We ended up with maybe an inch if that. It turned icy and kids from some schools actually had off which was another joke.

And last night Jenn, Stef, Michelle, Sean, Tony, Brittany and I went to shoot pool for a while and then went to the diner afterwards. My skills for shooting pool were with me last night and I actually played well even if I only won one game. At the diner most of us ordered the same thing- chicken fingers and French fries which was amusing. Our conversations were the usual things- sex, friends, etc. Tony busted on Michelle about Barry and John seeing her in her cheetah thong one time. That was the main joke of the evening.

When we were trying to figure out what each owned for the bill Jenn came up short on it and Tony took it over. Jenn and Tony bickered over it on how much everyone owed and who got what change. Finally he stormed off to the bathroom and when he returned Jenn and him bickered a bit more and he took off right before we paid it. We expected him to be out in the van when we got outside but he wasn't. We looked around thinking he was hiding somewhere but he wasn't. A few went back inside to see if he was there but didn't find him. We drove around the parking lot looking for him but didn't find him. Jenn was getting all pissy over it and we left to see if he was walking down the road anywhere. We checked inside Olly Gator, a bar, but he wasn't in it. After another trip back to the diner to look inside we didn't find him and that was followed up with yet another look in Olly Gators. No luck. He didn't walk up towards Shop Rite either so we convinced Jenn to drive towards home to see if he was walking back to her place. He wasn't found. Turning around to head back up to the diner we suddenly spotted him walking down the Pike in the direction we all lived. Jenn made a u-turn and headed back to the bank parking lot were he stopped. Tony actually spent the hour we were searching for him talking back to Jenn's. Jenn and he exchanged a few words and we tried to get him to get into the van. Finally he did and we dropped off Sean and then Stef and I got dropped off.

And apparently Jenn and Tony had had words earlier in the night beforehand over the anniversary gift Tony had given Jenn. Originally they planned not to give each other anything but Tony bought her something. I don't know what kind but it was some sort of statue. Jenn told him that he didn't put much thought into it. Damn, Jenn needs to use her brain at times. He didn't have to give her anything but it was the thought that counted.

I really hope their relationship does not work out. As mean as it sounds I hope it doesn't. Tony is too good for Jenn who is shallow, spoiled, too flirty, to greedy, etc. She tries to change him, tells him she wants things that she expects him to buy and his mother supposedly doesn't like her. She said Jenn was too immature which she is. Jenn's said how she would leave Tony is he puts on too much weight even though he wants to gain some weight and muscle, if he were to become disabled, if he joined the army, etc. The downside would be that I'd miss hanging out with Tony since he's a nice guy.

jenn, books, shopping, friends, diner night

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