Work, shopping, and more diner gatherings.

Nov 26, 2005 05:13

It's after five and I'm still up when I have to be up and out the door by 8:45 for a nine o'clock meeting at work. Just a quick update and I'm off to bed, not that I know how to make short entries most of the time anyhow.

It was my first day back to work and felt like I never left or anything. Things were the same pretty much so that was good. Jenn worked as well as did Amit so things were alright. Jenn was in box for a while so I had Amit around to keep me sane for a while. Jenn was then sent over to concession so things went even better since at least we talk and keep occupied. Jenn and I switched hours and she left around ten while I stayed to get an extra hour with Amit. Afterwards Jenn and Stef picked me up and we ventured to the diner for dinner.

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday I had off from work and didn't do all that much. And it was either Monday or Tuesday, not that I can remember what day it was, I went with Jenn to pick Brittany up from school and take her to work. Jenn and I went back to her house to find something to eat for lunch and then ventured over to the county library to get library cards and pick out a few books. Then we stopped by to get Michelle and to get Stefanie from work but she wasn't ready so Michelle stayed with her while Jenn and I went to Hammonton to pick up a check and then back to get Stef and Michelle. Then we went to the mall for a while. Things were fine at first until we got to the pet shop. Jenn was on her cell with Tony and someone else so stayed outside the store talking. Stef, Michelle and I played with a German Shepherd pup in a small room while Jenn refuse to because she doesn't like "big" dogs. Whatever. Either way, he was adorable and if I had the money and not as many dogs as I currently have I'd have gotten him in two seconds. He was all energetic and kept chewing on my hand and jacket sleeve. He was precious with his too-large feet and perky ears. Then we got a chichicua (not a clue on how to spell it). AKA the Mexican rat dog. He was ugly and odd. He kept trying to hump Stef's hand. After that we met up with Jenn who was on the phone with Tony and sulking as usual over whatever it was. She was getting annoying by then and I seperated from them for a while to get away from her. At one point or another I ended up buying three additional Sherrilyn Kenyon books to read and add to my collection. By now I think I have most in the series thus far.

I worked from 11 until 5:45 with Michelle and Amit so things weren't too dull. We were all goofy at at times and people are finally adjusting enough to me where they can joke with me and know I won't get offended and stuff. Amit tied mine and Michelle's apron strings together at one point when he was playing cute. At times we ended up rolling our eyes at one another when Michelle talked or complained about various things. After work Jenn picked Stef and me up and we went to my cousin Danielle's for dinner. Let's just say the food was not the best. The ice cream cake for dessert was a lot tastier. After that we got dropped off home.

It was another 11 to 5:45 day. Work was hectic and crowded as hell. The lines were constant and people kept us busy. With three of us we still had lines. I swear every kid and their parents were at the movies. It's worse then an average Friday or Saturday night. It was so busy that I never had time to even clean up at my station with cleaner or anything, just wipe the popcorn off the counter and onto the floor. The main thing that proved it was hectic is the fact that not once did any of us have the chance to sweep the floor in the concession box. That is something that never happens. It usually gets done several times during our shift. And I never got to go on break until near 3:30 because of the people and the manager who can't pay attention to things. I had to remind Harris about sending me on break and that took a while more before she finally came to let me go. When I did go I sat in on Harry Potter. and after work while waiting for my ride I was in on Pride and Prejudice. From the half hour I saw it was a somewhat poor adaption of the book but otherwise decent. I understand that they can't follow the book to a tee but still, some scenes didn't fit and could have been replaced with the appropriate scene like in the book.

Stef and I got home and had dinner and Jenn called us. She wanted to go to the mall and then the diner so off we all went- Jenn, Stef, Brittany and I. I ran into an old classmate from Edgewood, a Will or Bill Bates. He called out to me as I passed and asked if I remember him. The face was familiar but I couldn't think if his name was Will or Bill. He told me his name and I stil forget it. We chatted real quick and he said he's been training as a fire fighter, I think. We then parted company and I headed for Borders. I bought three books, including another SK book that I'm missing from the series. Still can't think what other ones I'm missing but there have to be a few, I think. I need to check out SK's site to see the complete listing. In Claire's Stefanie bought me two Pirates of the Caribbean/ CJS keychains. One is of Jack while the othe says "I *heart* Capt. Jack Sparrow. *squee*

After the mall we went to Jenn's a bit and waited for Michelle and then went to the diner to eat. Danny and Jess, who is home from Rhode Island where he goes to college, met up with us. We had a blast talking, joking and making fun of each other. Michelle was acting crazy with our waiter and went to get creamers for the guys coffees and Danny said something about we'll never see her run. I joked about if she saw an ice cream truck then she would. The guys loved my comment apprently. Danny high fived me and Jess and I hit knuckles. When we left and said good bye in the parking lot I even hugged Jess, something I don't normally do. I'm mellowing out in my old age.

Now I need to get my butt to bed.

books, sherrilyn kenyon books

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