Diner once more and back to work I go.

Nov 20, 2005 03:36

Thursday night I was going to go to the movies with Jenn and Stef but changed my mind because of a headache. I was going to see Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire since they would be making sure it was running all right. Now one of these days I need to see it. I've heard stuff about how some of the scenes aren't correct and how they leave out portions of the movie entirely like Doby and Winky. Luckily I'm brushing up on my GoF book so I'll be aware of the differences.

Friday was a stay at home day and night since Jenn went down the shore with Tony overnight. And I had my nose buried in a few books as usual.

Today I did not do all that much at first, just got online and checked out my usual sites of LJ and MySpace, which can be amusing at times, especially since messages are going back and forth between me and some guy who is thirty-one and lives forty-five minutes away from me. His messages are cute at times too, calling me princess and stuff. Never been called "princess" before. Before it got too dark I gathered up some of the trash and took it out and got the mail. Real exciting.

Tonight after ten Jenn, Stef, Tony, Brittany and I went to the diner until about 11:30. As usual we just bull-shitted about various stuff, but mainly about Barry's girlfriend who is rather ugly. She seems to be the main entertainment for the moment. After that we went to Shop-Rite since we needed dogfood and some other stuff. We hung out in the pet aisle and they were playing with the squeaky toys and joking about getting them for Becky. Yeah, I know it's not nice, but such is life at times.

For only being out about two hours it was fun until we came home to find that the dogs had gotten into a large bag of Altoids and Gimp puked all over the living room leaving lovely pinkish-purple globs and marks on the rug. Needless to say, I spent half an hour or so shampooing the carpet trying to get the damn spots up and it didn't work. So now we have a beige rug with pinkish marks. Joy. The whole house is going to hell along with the kitchen sink that is leaking at times. Stupid PVC pipes. And I thought I was free of leaky pipes after the last house. Apparently not. Damn leaky pipes will be the death of me one of these days.

Tomorrow it's back to work for me finally. I haven't been working since October when Stefanie and I took off time because of Mom. Stef's been back for two weeks but only now am I back on the schedule. I work from 2-10 and then I work again Thursday through Sunday from 11:15 to 5:45 or something like that. At least the managers managed to coordinate mine and Stefanie's schedules to keep it easy for whoever takes and picks us up from work for now. Eventually Stefanie and I will be getting our licenses so we can drive. I'll end up driving first since I can get mine after three months since I'm over twenty-one while Stefanie has to wait six months.

Before my paid account ends the beginning of January I need to send in money again to keep it a paid account. I think I might even spurge and get the 100 icons instead of just my usual 15. When I get some money I think I might send in the payment early if I can remember. And maybe some day I'll actually finish my stinkin' mood theme I started back in August and never finished. I just can't seem to find the correct PotC/CJS images I need to fit certain moods.

Now I think I'm going to venture back to MySpace to see what I can do with my boring layout. I'm not pleased with it. That and I need to deal with the laundry that will buzz soon enough. Can't let my clothes get wrinkled for tomorrow.

shop-rite, work, harry potter, diner

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