Genealogy gold and diner night.

Oct 15, 2005 06:39

Good thing I checked my other AOL account a little while ago. I found a pleasant surprise in my mail box for a change. Turns out a cousin emailed me about a aunt who was the sister of my great grandfather. Stangely enough I emailed her several years ago about a post she made on a Slovak genealogy site but she never replied. And here it is a few years later that I'm getting a reply to a post I made on a genealogy website. I hope that she emails me back. I would love to get some information on that branch of the family tree since I know nothing about them. Hell, I never even knew my great grandfather had a sister until another cousin sent me some information. Same with another brother who stayed behind in the old country.

Hello there,
I stumbled on your post looking for your grandfather's sister Julia Zuber Kozar. She was my great grandmother!! Yes, she was married to George. They raised their family, and my father who was their grandson, in West Virginia. I will have to tell my dad I found your post!

I hope she emails me back.

Last night Stef, Jenn, Brittany, Shawn, and I went to the diner. We met Tony and John there though John didn't stay long. Steve also met us there later on. We ate and talked for about two hours or so. It was fun though. We talked about all different stuff although mostly I took part in conversations with Britt and Shawn since they were next to me and Tony, Jenn and Steve were beyond talking distance unless I relocated elsewhere or talked over the already loud Britt and Shawn.

Tonight a bunch of the gang are going to a haunted hayride or maze. Or something along those lines. I'm not going most likely. It's not my thing. Besides I don't feel like wasting twenty dollars on something like that.

Now I think I'm heading to bed. It's the latest I've been up in a while.

genealogy, diner

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