1 Prayer [Voice] make a good first impression: be as obnoxious as possible

Aug 22, 2010 21:50

How does this stupid thing- is it even on- Ooh, forget it! This better be working!

[Brace yourselves, S.S. Thor passengers; because in the next second there is a high pitched, angry SHRIEK.]

HEY YOU! WHOEVER'S LISTENING TO THIS! WHAT'S THE BIG IDEA?! What do they mean the world got destroyed? What, it just blew up? No way, no way! That's not even possible! What kind of dumb joke is this? It's not funny at all!

And where am I, anyway? This isn't the Arcus Prima...where did everybody go? Those gross looking things wouldn't tell me anything! They just kept saying the world was destroyed...that doesn't even makes sense! [OBNOXIOUS WHINY NOISE GOES HERE.]

This really, really isn't funny! Where is everybody? We were just on the train...eh, is this a dream?? I wanna wake up now!


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