Jul 23, 2010 01:14
[Yoshimori is lying flopped on the floor in front of a zebra-print couch, watching TV and eating gingersnaps. There are neon-colored lava lamps and posters of Vanilla Ice, Baywatch, and MetalliGa behind him. This is not his room. This is the suite of one KUWABARA KAZUMA.]
Ohhhhh man, that was-- OWWW! Do you think this is real?
[Kuwabara is lying across the very back of the couch. If you're having trouble imagining this scenario, imagine how a cat tends to stretch out across the top of a couch. Now imagine that cat is a Great Dane.]
What? Yeah man, of course it's real! This wouldn't be manly if it wasn't! You think you can bend your arm that way for pretend?
[Without looking, Yoshimori tosses a gingersnap over his shoulder, and Kuwabara snatches it out of the air.]
No... UGH that's gotta hurt, aaaah! Uh oh. Now he's going for the chair-- WHOA, WITH THAT GUY STILL IN IT?! Are they allowed to do that!?
[As he laughs he sprays gingersnap crumbs all over.]
Well I hope they give that guy a t-shirt or something-- what a pile driver! Duuuuuude this is-- oh--! Your guide's on.
[Yoshimori grins disarmingly at the camera and turns his guide to look at the coffee table, which is laden with sweets and pastries: donuts, eclairs, elaborately decorated cupcakes, and cookies of all shapes and sizes.]
Free munchies for whoever likes Pan-Galactic Wrestling. Room 5-9!
(OOC: Yoshimori = Purple and Kuwabara = Orange)
kuwabara kazuma,
sumimura yoshimori