[Video]The fall of the fastest scientist.

Oct 31, 2011 07:07

[Well. Now he's done it. Those who last saw Komui's video were probably expecting this.Either way the feed opens to Komui lying on a bed with a cold bag on his head and his hands bandaged up and linked to the bed. Komurin can be seen toiling around him bringing him tea.]


[He says this in short yet still fast bursts.]

Master, you shouldn't speak.

[Ever heard groaning in fast forward? Well you're hearing it now.]

I know. I will make sure no one touches your projects. My orders are clear. Now rest.

[Komurin picks up the guide and places it in Komui's lap. Then he seems to put on a headset on Komui's head before plugging it into the guide. The feed cuts out]

[OOC: replies will be in text since that is the role of the device on Komui's head at the moment.]

komui lee

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