Oct 11, 2011 18:41

[ That's a goat chewing on the guide and starting the video, btw. A black goat with three white lines painted along one side of its body -- three very crooked and could-they-really-be-counted-as-lines-anymore? lines. But that's not the only thing amiss. The whole room is a mess. Porn pin up paper airplanes, the pointed hat of a lawn gnome wedged through a dart board, and speaking of boards -- there are three wooden boards with paper plate heads attached to the tops of them with names written in black marker: Blair, Liz, and Maka.On the Blair board there are two balloons blown up to max capacity for her chest, on the Liz board there's two balloons blown up moderately (though one is obviously larger than the other), and on the Maka board.....they're popped.

Sleeping on an autographed inner tube in only his boxers (which are on his head, mind you) is Black☆Star....who very rudely gets interrupted by a headbutting goat. ]

Nngh. Go away.

[ The goat bleats and butts him again. ]

Goddamnit, Maka, I thought you got over the pig thing. I got a headache, leave me alo--

[ Black☆Star rolls over and comes face to face with the goat. They have a staring contest for a moment before the goat then steals his boxers, leaving him the guide. ]


[ He picks up the guide, squinting at it for a moment. ]

Oi, Kid. [ A beat. ] I think you left your goat here.


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