one ● [text > audio > video / action]

Oct 01, 2011 23:33


[Okay, all that random texting can’t be good for whoever’s Guide is obviouslybeing keypounded on. The video clicks on and off a few times, not really getting a good picture of the owner just yet.]

[Great, now the audio’s bugging.]

Hey, can- [bzzt] -ny hear- [bzzt] -there? Gran- [bzzt] -ith? Big Machin- [bzzt] -ple Bloom? Twi- [bzzt] -uttershy? Pinkie- [bzzt] -inbow? Rarity? It’s- [bzzt] -plejack.

[The video comes back on again, thought it’s entirely out of focus. There’sreally only a blob of orange, but anyone who knows her can immediately tell from her voice.]

Dagnabit! Why won’t this thingamajig just go and work properly fer five minutes?

[The video finally focuses on- a pony. Do not adjust your dials ladies and gents, you are not seeing things. Applejack stops pounding to see she’s finally made some progress on working her Guide.]

I think that's how you get it workin'. Yeah, that look 'bout right.

[A beat passes, and she pretty much facehoofs. Getting it working right is one thing, wasting time to get it working right when you've been told your world and most everyone you know is gone.]

What in tarnation are you doin’ Applejack, messin’ with this here toy? I ain’t got the time fer all this foolin’ around. I gotta find somepony and get me a straight answer ‘bout what exactly’s goin’ on ‘round here.

[[ooc: feel free to action it up with the Earth pony]]


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