Chapter 2 // A Dream of Policy [Accidental Video]

Sep 29, 2011 22:09

[A little girl stares into the camera, she reaches for her hair and pulls on it nervously. off-camera a few voices can be heard. They seem to be encouraging her.] ...well, okay.

Citizens of the Kingdom of Thor. My name is Gwendolyn, the youngest daughter of King Odin of Ragnanival. as a... rep-re-sent-a-tive of my father I would like to thank you for allowing me to visit. ...uh... and I would like to give eeeeverybody a welcome to come visit my kingdom! We have lots of food and drinks and daddy will surely love to have each and every one of you! And as a rep-re-sent-a-tive I will... um... oh gosh... um...

Give everybody who agrees a hug! [giggle]

So how was that? Did I do good?

[and the feed ends]


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