May 01, 2011 05:10
[There’s static. The feed turns on, turns off, and then turns on again, as if somebody is struggling with turning the power on. A large eye comes into view, obscuring everything else. It blinks a few times.]
Yeah, hey? Someone there? Hey!
The voice is clearly a loud one, but it’s directed away from the microphone-at least at first. A moment later, there’s a closeup of a mouth, shouting into the camera lens and fogging it up, the microphone picking the noise up at almost ear-splitting levels.]
‘Ey! I never used one 'a these before, anyone there?
[The eye again. Blinks once, twice, narrows, trying to see through the camera, as if it’s a peephole. Even though the guide already has told him how to use this thing.]
Hey! Well! If anyone’s out there-I mean, they say there are tons ‘a people on here, right-if there’s anyone out there, I’m Sir Lansa Brannon, reportin’ for duty! Thank you very much!
[the camera moves away, showing a brief glimpse of a man’s face, and then the feed shuts off.
…and turns back on again, the view going from the side of the hallway to the inside of a pocket. someone very much sucks at this.]