[That oh-so-familiar grand kazoo plays as the video feed turns on, featuring none other than your dear captains, SS Thor!]
Ah, yes. Hello, everyone.
We're happy to report that we managed to dislodge the rabbit from our port!
[There's a snicker in the back, and Smudgy shoots a Glare]
...AHEM. In any case, we've talked it over, and have decided that because of the abruptness of our repairs, we'd like to extend a little something to both citizens and refugees!
You'll all have a total of twenty four hours to say your farewells to your friends and loved ones. Oh, and, don't make it all weepy. This surely isn't good bye. It's extremely unlikely we'll run into the Sif again, so we'll probably be seeing them soon.
OOC Info:
OKAY so - Apparently the planets and stars aligned just right to bring us this amazing weekend, which includes apps, the end of an event, the end of a MONTH, a new planet, and new missions, all in the space of a few days. In order to keep things from getting too bogged down, we're going to do the following:
TONIGHT (V. Late Saturday or V. Early Sunday depending on your timezone): Finish acceptances, allow new characters a chance to post/get situated/enjoy the tail end of the 4th wall event if they so choose.
TOMORROW (Hopefully not-as-late-as-tonight Sunday): Officially end the event. Consider this extension a time to say 'goodbye!' as Smudgy suggested. Give your characters some closure, wish your character's friends a proper farewell, go out for one last hurrah! You might not see each other for a while again, but at least you'll get to say good-bye before we leave.
MONDAY: We'll arrive at the next planet and post missions!
And finally, a quick survey! We're just curious, and responses aren't required, merely appreciated:
1.) How was the length of the event? Too long? Too short? Just right?
2.) Would you like to do this again? If yes, what would be a reasonable wait time before we repeat? Six months? Longer?