[Video] Addressing the Public

Apr 01, 2011 23:52

[The feed comes on showing Ashura, looking... royal, was the way to put it. A king addressing his subjects. He takes a moment to speak, a final gathering of his thoughts.]

I am not sure if everyone heard what was recovered from the box, but if not I offer a brief recounting: Captain Ammadeus believes that there is a way back to our homes, possibly our lives before we were brought to the Thor. Or so I gather from his message. But more than that there is the threat of an outside force attempting to stop us from receiving any more refugees. They have the taste of a fanatic religious faction, though of course I cannot be sure.

At any rate, I do not expect anyone to rally about my words, I am merely voicing my own opinions on this matter as I speak.

Considering the words we were left and the consequence we saw, I do not think that what this Captain says was a lie or somehow forced. Dying men, I think, have little reason to lie after all, though that is not to say he was not compromised, or that the black box was not. For myself, I have... fought for a very long time on my home planet. I did. More years than I can count went by in bloodshed, and part of me is grateful for the Thor picking me up when it did, giving me a chance to start something new with my life that did not involve the red of blood.

But in this same way, I think perhaps my being brought to the Thor was no accident either. If these... Purists are real, if they are after ships like the Sigrun, like the Thor, I think it does us all well to be prepared for the eventuality of a meeting with them. There is always the hope that this will never pass, that we will continue drifting through the stars touching new planets and finding new homes for ourselves if we are lucky. I freely admit that my optimism is often and sorely tested, and I, at least, believe that one day we will meet these Purists or something like them, and when we do we may find ourselves in the same situation as the Sigrun, if not something worse than that.

I believe we should use what we saw as a wake up call, that this gentle life we have been introduced to here on the Thor is not something to be taken lightly and will not be kept cheaply.

Of course, this could all be a giant farce, one created to make us panic, draw us into a trap that none of us can begin to fathom. With so little to go on, I can hardly say which is which, but in my experience it is always good to be prepared for all eventualities. In so much as we can, of course. It does make me wonder why our own Captain would let us hear such information, given its nature. But either way, preparation and readiness will serve us better than blind panic and looking to the shadows like frightened mice.

[He takes a deep breath.]

I apologize for taking up your time, but I felt I should share my opinions. Take them as you will. And taking into consideration what happened on the Sigrun, I hereby offer my services as a combat tutor. I am skilled in the sword and for those with fire magic I am versed in that too. As I said, I believe in preparation and readiness. If you choose to take me up on my offer, contact me.

[A third pause.]

And to all of us, good luck.

[The feed goes down.]


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