[the feed clicks on and there is Renge, in a
kinda cute kinda slutty princess dress. she's beaming, smiling, and has a
pretty wand that she's waving about!]
Look, everyone! I'm a princess! I can - oh, everyone, watch this!!
[she points her wand to something off screen and squeals delightedly: ]
Abra Kadabra~ ...Alacazam! [there's a jet of bright pink smoke and glitter and there's a LOUD, LARGE explosion sound, followed by the tinkling of glass and -]
Oh, dammit! I broke a glass again! [a look of despair crosses her face] And it was the last one, too!!
[she drops her arm, but the second the hand wielding her wand hits her thigh, a huge puff of pink smoke and sparkles erupts from her wand, completely covering Renge. she splutters, and coughs, and that is the only sound and image you are treated for until the feed terminates.]
[ooc: okay. so first to the improbability drive event for this chicky! Renge planned to be a kitty for Halloween, and may change into that costume later, but for now she's woken up in a princess outfit and as any conversations continue, she's going to gradually BECOME a snotty little princess brat! just a warning.]
[of and the wand is sort of a fairy godmother style thing. because all the princess costumes I googled had them. SO HA. MOMENTARY POWERS FTW. action enabled for those who feel like it~!]