Jan 26, 2009 21:45
I think I've discovered my secret to staying [relatively] happy-- I keep telling myself that I am, regardless of whether I'm actually happy, thereby convincing myself that I am happy, and thus I stay happy. Sure, I'm lying to myself, but it's for a good cause.
Besides. I like my web of lies. It's comfy and nice to take naps in, and the sticky bits are easily distinguished from the non-sticky bits, so I get to sit in the middle all spidery and watch other people get stuck. I don't eat them though. That would be nasty.
Truly shitty day today, such that if a movie or play were to be written based on it, it would read very much as a comedy of errors. I spent a good portion of it laughing as a result, until things got even worse and I had to take lots of deep calming breathes so I wouldn't faint or puke or throw a kicking screaming fit on the floor or something equally embarrassing. It ended well though, with rare roast venison loin and rice with gravy and sauteed root veggies. Also, I got a new dresser via Hippie Christmas, so hopefully now I'll be able to put away all the clothing and stuff chilling on my floor.