Y’know, Supernatural? It’s been fun. But I’m seeing other people now. (Ep "Heaven Can't Wait")

Nov 15, 2013 19:55

It's official. Between the repetitious, constant misogyny and casual racism of Supernatural, now in its 9th season ("Short Round," Supernatural? Seriously? To the only POC in the whole damn cast? And absolutely no point in dissecting that MRA-construct of a She-Leech in that episode either), I think I've gotten tired of handwaving away the show's offensiveness and trying to get past it all. Yeah, Sam and Dean Winchester and their relationship is awesome - but there are some episodes where it feels like I'm wading through a sewer just to find the two pearls.

I don't need to do that. I have other options now.

I can watch a show where women and POC are front and center along with the white males, and very much in evidence in every kind of way - where a role normally played by a white man is played by a woman of color and another notable role is played by a trans* woman who's not there to be a victim or a joke (Elementary).

I can watch women and POC fight horror, kick ass, take names and survive every episode (Sleepy Hollow) ... where the siblings fighting evil (Abbie and Jennie Mills) are two Black women whose relationship is as complex and troubled as is the Winchesters'. There's even a hot white guy in the cast!

...Or I could go to iTunes and download a horror story that makes me laugh and shiver...where white racism is called out, and the most normal part of the bizarre little town is the canonical love story between two men - one of them Hispanic and the other of unknown race (Welcome to Night Vale).

I may keep trying with Supernatural. But I'm allowed to try the whole buffet now; I don't need to keep taking the potato salad just because it's the only thing on the menu.

racism, elementary, sexism, pissy fangirl, welcome to night vale, sleepy hollow, pissy feminist, supernatural, sherlock holmes

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