We have two types of Barrel cacti, among several types and/or species of other cacti, including three types of Prickly Pear cacti and Hedgehog Cluster cacti as well as Claret Cup cacti. The two types of Barrel cacti are Rainbow and another type I have dubbed 'Rolling Barrel' and the three types of Pricklypear are the Plains, Fragile and Beavertail. We also have Fishhook cacti.
However, the problem(s) we are having are with the Jumping Cholla, Teddybear Cholla and Tree Cholla. We have been digging them up and their roots grow deep. I was wondering; can anyone recommend an all-natural herbicide or a similar, less painful way to get these out of our yard-back and front? I do NOT want to poison or harm the environment. I live in Zone USDA 10a/Zone USDA 10b. The reason we're trying to get rid of and transplant these cacti out our yard-front and back-is that these cacti attract rodents and other unsavory creatures to our yard.
If anyone has any suggestions on natural, and less painful, ways to remove these Cholla cacti; I am all for it.
Thank you.
Rebecca M.
Rainbow Cactus Flower Photo:
http://www.photobucket.com/user/rlagmagm29/media/Orangebarrelcluster_zps983077e6.jpg.html?sort=3&o=3 Barrel Cactus Flower Photo: