Citrus tree pest - a hint

Aug 05, 2014 14:00

Here in Australia we have a citrus tree pest called the Stinkbug. Im not sure if you have it in the US or what is called, but its a pernicious mongrel and my own lemon tree was infested with them. They were slowly but surely killing the tree, and as their name suggests they stink if you kill them physically and are very hard to kill chemically once they mature.

I had the house fumigators out to do a cockroach treatment (we get them here as we are semi-tropical and no amount of cleanliness keeps them away for good) and happened to complain about the tree. One of the men said, no problem we will spray the tree before we go. As they use human and pet-friendly treatments, I said go ahead.

Within an hour every bug was dead, and they did not come back that season. After fertilising and pruning my tree regained its health and now produces massive crops of big wonderful lemons. I still need to do this each year as they are in the area, but it works every time.

I'm not sure how useful that info will be to anyone who doesn't use pest control/fumigation around their home, but it definitely works for me.
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