May 23, 2013 10:33
The first corn I planted on May 2 only has spotty germination (the seed was from 2011 so I guess I shouldn't be surprised), so I'm going to just till that under when the ground has dried some and replant with the Miracle hybrid.
The REAL first corn I planted May 15, it's all up and looking pert and cute, about 1 inch tall! It's Miracle Hybrid se+, and it's so sweet you can eat it raw off the cob. Makes big 9 to 10" ears, usually 2 per plant, so it's a great producer. I'll have 3 total plantings of this variety. It says it takes 82 days, but last year we were harvesting at 66 and 72 days, so we'll see.... if it goes at 72 days, that means we'll have fresh corn around July 27.
The second corn will go in where the snowpeas have been -- I think they've got another week in them, then I'll pull them and plant. 2 weeks later I'll plant the third corn. That'll give me about 2 weeks between each planting, which will be good -- I won't get too sick of putting it up.
I planted the bush beans May 14, and they're up and looking good! They'll be big enough to thin in about a week.
The carrots are up, and they should be big enough to thin in a couple of weeks.
Tomatoes and peppers looking great.
I went out and cultivated the tomatoes and peppers, because The Grass That Will Not Die was coming up! I have one of those high wheel plow/cultivators, and it worked really well. So well, in fact, that I went and cultivated the corn just because I was in the mood to do it.
When the bush beans are done, I'll be putting watermelons in there, and when the second corn is done, I'll put in more beans.
vegetable: pepper,
zone: usda 7,
vegetable: bean,
vegetable: carrot,
vegetable: tomato,
vegetable: corn