plant id and questions

May 22, 2013 22:21

My aunt gave me a few plants for my garden, though I'm not sure what one type is.  It's supposed to be a shasta daisy, but I bought another, "snow queen", and it has rounded leaves instead, and my google image search also seems to show rounded leaves for shasta daisies.  It's growing well, but it does seem to wilt from lack of water very quickly, more than any of my other plants, which wouldn't seem to be what should happen with a shasta daisy since they're supposed to be tough plants (right?).

This is another of the same type which is not looking as happy:

Also, I bought an unknown type of bellflower for really cheap.  It's growing, but has started to just have one upright stem.  Do you think I should pinch it back to make it more branchy?

plant id

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