Newspaper Mulching?

Mar 28, 2013 14:59

I have a horrible grass problem in my front garden. I'm not sure what kind of grass is exactly, other than extremely &$#&*$ invasive. It sends out long runners underground (and over ground, and through the house siding, and...) that are nearly impossible to pull out. I tried to keep up with it last year but a husband, a dog, 3 little kids, and full time college got the best of me and the grass won the battle. Now the garden is choked full of dormant grass that I'm sure is about to wake up and continue it's mission of total world domination.

I've tried spraying herbicides and it snickers at me. I put down several inches of wood mulch and as it grows through it does a little dance while saying "neener neener."

I've heard that you can use newspaper to kill grass. The question is how thick a layer of newspaper do I need? I thought to ask the internet but I got answers that ranged from 3 sheets of newspaper up to a full inch. I make a weekly trip to our local recycling center to drop stuff off and I am not above digging through the newspaper dumpster and pulling out as much discarded newsprint as I need to kill off this grass before it gets a grip this year. My plan is to put down as much newspaper as you guys recommend, wet it down well, and then cover that with some wood mulch for visual appeal.

The garden consists of 4 evergreen shrubs of some sort (holly maybe??), a tall topiary bush, and some daffodils that have finished blooming for the year. I'm not planning to put anything new in that bed this year so I'm not concerned about smothering anything other than the grass.

weeds: invasives, garden method: mulching, zone: usda 7, grass

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