Roses need sun (meaning south facing), Hydrangeas need water (unlikely on a raised bed), so I guess Rhodies would be best for you. There are plenty of other shrubs that you might like. You should see if there's anything you find between now and fall and then buy the ones you like the best. Fall is the best time to plant anything. Plants aren't stressed and they have time to put in roots before the ground freezes. You'll be watering all summer if you plant shrubs now. Why don't you consider perennials as well. They usually have longer blooming periods, and if you dont see them in winter, well, you wouldn't see anything else either:) Ask yourself, do you want height or shrubbiness, flowers or evergreen?
Don't forget day lilies! Stella De Oro is a consistent bloomer, interspersed through out some more color full selections will give you a nice maintenece free display paired with the hostas and rhodes.
Comments 10
Thanks for the input everyone....this is why I asked before I started buying!
but i guess with day lilies, they will make kore :)
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