My San Joaquin Valley Garden

Apr 18, 2011 14:37

Six Early Girl tomato plants are started in the foreground, and behind them a nopales cactus. Both the young cactus pads and fruit are edible. The two small trees, in the center and background are avocado trees. The closest avocado tree is a Zutano, which is a green Mexican variety. It's not as cold resistant, and you can see some cold damage. In the far background, is a Stewart avocado tree, which is the purplish Guatemalan variety that can withstand colder temperatures. These two varieties have flowering patterns that complement each other and will lead to a strong cross pollination.
The large tree in the top right is an almond tree.

Cauliflower and brocolli, as well as red and yellow medium day onions, and in the very back, snow peas.

cacti, fruit: avocado, vegetable: broccoli, zone: usda 9, vegetable: pea, vegetable: tomato, vegetable: onion

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