so i bought four of these plants this year. never grew em before. i usually stick with Brandywines and Romas for sauce and maybe a little salsa. i thought these were really interesting looking and might make a nice contrast to the Cherokee Purple experimental plant i also picked up. just one of those though as they didnt sel them in four-packs
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It had exactly one flower on it, around this time last year, which slowly slowly slowly developed into a tomato. I didn't see any other flowers until the beginning of September (read: the end of our growing season). Frost killed it before they had a chance.
And I keep thinking that I might've done something wrong, but all of my other tomatoes were fine and prolific, so ... I don't know.
The one tomato was big and pretty, though.
i was just out there now (getting eaten alive by skeeters) and there seems to be a couple of flowers forming.
actually, under closer inspection, all of my plants are a little light on the flowers right now no matter what they are...i wonder if it has just been TOO WET this year. last year was too cool...sigh.
Yeah, seems like it's always something!
i took solace in the fact that NO ONE did well last year. so at least i know it wasnt my skills as a gardener. it was just a sucky year...
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