First the plant ID, to get that out of the way. The plant is in Younger Son's garden. When we bought it at Lowe's, it had an ID stick in it, but it somehow got lost between checkout and unloading at home. It's perennial, about 6"-10" tall. The blooms are about the size of a dime and are only open in mid-afternoon. I remember the ID tag said the light requirements were full sun to partial shade and that it likes "semi moist" soil. Don't remember what the zone hardiness listed on the ID stick were, but I'm in zone 7 and I do remember that it's supposed to be hardy here.
One of my neighbors has a very mature red tip photinia next to her house. Because of its proximity to the house, it's been trimmed back a great deal. Every year, mockingbirds build a nest in the center. There's either one very large baby there or two normal-sized babies. They hatched just yesterday. Momma Mockingbird arrived just as I snapped this shot. I was lucky to escape unharmed. :D
My native pecan tree is in full bloom. Maybe I'll get a sizable crop this year, as opposed to last year when the crop couldn't even fill a five-gallon bucket.
The peach tree is load-ed this year. I'm hoping for a good crop. Frost got them last year and worms got them the year before.
Gerbera daisy. It's actually more mauve than the photo is showing. That's what I get for taking photos on a very bright day.
My flower garden. There's still what appears to be blank spaces, but believe me, there's lovely sprouts all over the place.
Older Son's Rosemary and Greek Oregano. Both are beginning their third year here. The rosemary is nearly three feet tall. The oregano is swiftly becoming a monster (about three feet across). I've offered starts to just about everybody who could possibly want one. I've always just used them both fresh from the garden, but this year I might borrow my neighbor's dehydrator and give my family containers of dried herbs for Christmas.
One of the irises I ordered last year. This one is called Pledge of Allegiance.
Also irises I ordered last year and currently the pride of my yard. It seems I've waited forever for these two to bloom. I'm just glad they bloomed at the same time, like I'd hoped they would. The red one is called Sultan's Palace and the black is called Here Comes the Night. Really, though, the photo does not do them justice. They're stunning together.