Apr 20, 2009 20:07
So I just moved into a condo from my last place which was a dearth of no-green-ness. I have an evergreen tree and some lettuce/tomato seeds which are coming up.
I've been getting to thinking I'm gonna need a few plants when winter comes (again) to keep me company. I was wondering if there are any herbs or useful plants which are evergreen? All I can think of is aloe vera. I did a search online and most of what I came up with are either trees, huge vines, or need 70 degree or higher weather at all times.
I'm in zone 5/6 (I'm in one of those weird flux zones on the map). It'll be kept indoors exclusively (except maybe in the summer), and I have some west-facing windows so they'll be well-sunned -- or as well-sunned as one can get in a Michigan winter.
Are there any plants like this? Or am I just being a little too picky?
EDIT: Apparently, after some more prodding I came up with rosemary, lavender, thyme and sage as being evergreen. Are any still hardy/growing/living in the conditions I mentioned?
Thanks so much! You guys are so helpful!