Jun 02, 2008 21:04
Re the icon: near me they are building a new road and this year the banks are covered in sheets of poppies. it is so dramatic driving through them. Just yards and yards of crimson and scarlet. Wonderful.
I have spent last three days planting summer bedding! I am shattered and covered in mosquito bites, regardless of spray, boots and long sleeved shirt!
Still, I have planted 150 Busy Lizzies, 50 purple and bright pink petunias, countless asters and finally - to my deep shame - got my dahlias in. I am so late with these, but at least they will still be going strong well into October.
I put in all those that survived the winter in the potting shed, plus Lavender Perfection and Wittem, which is a pure white. At the back of the bed are the remains of the giant crimson red and Ludwig Helfert and Apache for the bronze and scarlet I need for impact. It should be a mass of colour eventually. It was last year although I did not stake early enough so one or two of the very tall ones fell over!
This year the sticks are going in as soon as the shoots appear, no matter how weird it looks. They vanish once the foliage starts to bush out.
Still have several boxes of dianthus, geraniums and petunias to put in but they will have to wait until later in week when I have some more energy!