Jan 28, 2006 20:00
"Imagine being with someone, EVERY SINGLE day, not letting a SINGLE day go by without talking HOURS on the phone, being in someone's arms EVERY SINGLE day, hearing someone tell you I LOVE YOU every day and feeling the chills go down your spine, not being attracted to a single soul since the first day you laid eyes on your partner, being swept off your feet with flowers, having songs created and sung for/to you, having someone serenade you with their talented fingers on the piano, having poems written for you day in and day out, being able to have a cuddle bunny whenever the world gets to you or when you just need and long to be held, having a best friend you know you can always talk to even when times are tough, experiencing times that you feel like you could spend the rest of your life with that person, knowing that no matter how far you are or how late it is that person will jump in their car to come be there for you... come to hold you while you're trying to adjust to this crazy place they call college, at 4'o clock in the morning, through a terrible rain/hail storm,... always wanting to be with that person no matter if you're fighting or not, knowing you can tell them ANYTHING without being judged, knowing that you can tell them your deepest secrets, knowing you can share with them the most embarrassing and humiliating things that you go through, having that amazing connection with someone... " -Mandi
Nice right? Ive read that a million billion trillion times and the only thing i can say is... I cant (imagine it). It makes me mad everytime I hear about these people who are in love and "cant live with out (this person)" or "have so much history with each other" that it must be love. Hmm... should i congragulate or just say FUCK YOU? My life is ruined by these girls. Just because I care for them so much, but in their eyes I AINT SHIT compaired to these FUCK FACE love intrest of theirs. Thats NOT a feeling that goes away IT FUCKING HURTS! I mean what the hell am I doing with my life, actrually pursuing these MINDBLOWINGLY AMAZING GIRLS. Seems like the farther I go the deeper the bull shit gets.
TELL ME SOMETHING PLEASE. If a girl KNOWS how you feel about her, why the FUCK would she say lets just be friends. GOD DAMN THE FUCKING WORLD! Thats just saying... Hey I really like you and all but your not good enough, Id rather be with this cock over here. But hey you can still watch as me and him go through things you wish you could. :^D
No thanks I think Id rather put this lovely holopoint through my face if you dont mind.
I know its the assholish thing to do. But Fuck man, why would anyone just waste there life LOOKING AT what could have been. There is no destiney. So you eaither get what you want or you dont. no mother fuckin compermise. butch or bitch, kill or be killed. choose. thats been life since the begining. When Courtney decided to get back with Alex, when Shandi staid with hers, Jewel got back with Dirty, and now Mandi with Ari. Thats your love right? evidently I was the one that was Stupid for having feelings, when I knew all that shit from the start. A FUCKIN BLIND MAN could see the pattern.NOT ME, I MUST like heart break...ugh... Do you even know what that feels like? In one swift action youve told me that i aint shit. ugh...ever have to swalow your heart because it came as a side dish to the cold hard reality you just got shoved down your neck. thats how Im feeling right now.
But I (eventually) just fade out of yalls life. And I'll learn to live with it. (I have to) I got no buisness being there (your life) and you dont need me there.
I promise From this day FORTH NO HUMAN BEING will EVER hear me utter the words love again (aside from ang and my fam). Because i know I'll never hear it. Thanks for helping me realize that ladies.
Man work was crazy yo. today as I got in (not but ten minutes) two kids were playing with the door and, one kid SNAPED the others finder right off, I just picked up th finger, put it on ice and rushed him to the hospial, where i spent the next 4 hours waiting for his mom. And believe me she wasnt in as good of a mood i expected her to be in. Alot of crying, consoling, and ofcourse calming down. I hope that kid wont be to tramatized, or grow up afraid of doors or somthin. Hospital food is BANGING!
naa he'll be alright.
Yea i was pretty mad earlyer, sorry. just a litte frustrated.
Hey ang im gonna call you soon I promise, I hope yo doing great this year. As you can see mine is starting off with a bang. I love you ang. The things youve done for me i could never repay. MAD MAD LOVE! Thanks for being there for me, and introduceing me to this site, now i can finnally complain. YESS. no more holding it in.