Probably going to Japan one day and I would love to see this museum...and hand out fliers pointing out how wrong they are.
Secondly, congratulations to OM for reaching 1000 manga titles. Keep up the good work in providing us with free stuff to read. And the titles is called
Million Girl. Makes sense I suppose if you add another 3 zeroes. In any case, let's get down to work with finishing off these summary thingies for Digimon Data Squad.
21: A rather fucking humongous SaberLeomon decides to launch D-Day on humanity with the help of Gotsumon. Strangely enough, the US army, China, Korea and the Japanese army did jackshit while it's city got the shit bombed out of them by Pteramons and Boarmon. Oh and both happen to be armoured digivolved forms of Armadillomon through the Digiegg of Courage and Love respectively. The last one really got me, so much for making love and not war. Guess, this is Cody's way of saying fuck you for being recycled. Gotsumon then reveals that he started the whole war just to try and captured you need an army of a fucking thousand digimon for one single kid? Overkill much? The bridge babes finally do something interesting when they join it by digivolving their Pawnchessmon. Though we don't get to see more of it as Jack Harkness or someone opens a massive rift.
22: All MIB agencies need a scientist guy and we finally meet him, Mr Kurata who is Tosh without the weird nickname. Although we can all tell he's a dodgy character since he's the same voice as the guy who opened the rift. SaberLeomon is obviously pissed that he's entire freaking ovekill army was sent back so he decides to come in for some action. However like any Leomon, he has to die. And this time it's at the hands of some new digimon that is obvious foreboding for evil deeds later (by Kurata) as he manages to completely delete him.
23. Hence Kurata and DATS then decide to meet up with Merukimon again as Marcus decides he wants to beat up a 40 foot monster again. Somehow in this episode he jumps 10 feet or so into the sky, so much for physics as always. Gotsumon then pwns when he turns white (Sieg Heil?)...into Meteormon. Meanwhile Jungle Boy is discussing his dilemma about living in both worlds until Hot Shounen Mom points out the obvious, why not have both? Hence, Jungle Boy stops the beginning of a really cool beat up of Marcus by Merukimon.
24. Flashback time. Merukimon tells of how Jungle Boy fell into the Digital World and was raised by a Frigimon. It is around this time he met the Digimon Expedition from the human world and well Marcus father met him by somehow punching a freaking humongous SaberLeomon and stopping a fist from a freaking 40 foot giant. Spencer then decides to create a digivice himself (eat your hearts out, humans making digivices. Ha take that season 1-4) by plagiarising the I Pod patent. But given how much other plagiarising goes on, that'll be fine. Kurata also adds that he was constantly attacked by digimon on the expedition and due to these experiences he came to see Digimon as a threat to humans. Or in other words, dangerous animals must be culled. And so Kurata as result became a douche and decided to massacre digimon one day with the help of Gizumons and nameless soldiers. Hmm, Kurata obviously needs a girlfriend...I think I've found the perfect one...
Or maybe what he really needs a this guy...
But sadly he has neither and so he decides to go What is this some theatre act? Oh wait...he's just deleting Merukimon with a Gizumon. Nice show.
25: Well now the spotlight stealing squad is really pissed and so decide to beat up Gizumon. For the 2nd time in 5 episodes the 3 of them fail miserably eve when combining their powers of friendship. Merukimon despite being shot by a freaking Gizumon doesn't disappear long enough but survives long enough out of convenience for the plot to convince Keenan of the importance of friendship and not hating all humans or something like that. Hence, Keenan decides to officially become the Token Loli and succeeds where guys 4 or 8 years older then him fail. Think T.K with Angemon except with a bird named Crowmon. And yeah, these designs get weirder a bird with 3 tails. But at least he hasn't got Falcomon's annoying British accent. Luckily for them though, teh ebil scientist Kurata escapes