First of all, let's tackle the big issues...
Daily Telegraph's
We <3 Sydney: We *heart* Sydney? Thanks to this bullshit campaign, I don't. Exactly what the fuck is the point of this? And why the fuck have they wasted even a single word on this shite? I can understand if this were from some 15 year old's blog but really there's been like what 20 freaking pages on this bullshit? Alright sure, it pisses me off sometimes as well that people choose to bag out NSW/Sydney out of nowhere (i.e Round 3 NRL commentary on the Broncos vs Cowboys games; pretty much blah blah blah QLD shits over NSW) but you certainly don't see me coming up with some long-winded, smug bullshite showing how much I love Sydney.
Now, don't get me wrong, I love Sydney (even though at times I don't mind taking the piss out of some suburbs for jokes among mates) but I certainly ain't going to be insecure to begin some neverending abyss of stupidity such as 'We <3 Sydney'. Not only is it a waste of time, it's making the rest of the Sydneysiders look insecure and embarassing the fuck out of them with what I can only compare to as 'Childish 5 year old 'I'm/This/That better then...' fights. (i.e Red Ranger is better then Green Rangers, Digimon is better then Pokemon etc etc) and heck I think it's screwing Sydney's rep over more. Residents of Melbourne and Brisbane are probably ROFLMFAO that our local newspaper was fucked up enough to start this. Also of note is that it is getting redundant...WE FUCKING GET IT! You think Sydney is the 'besterest city evarer' and doesn't deserve the criticism it get's from Northerners and Southerners Whoopty-fucking-do! But seriously I think we get the freaking point after the 5th fucking page wasted on this bullshit.
So please I can handle your tabloid bullshit (even though it still pisses me off) and your various other dodgy times (heck, you even dedicated half the 3rd page to flaunting Nigella Lawson's sex appeal to 40 something men who are having mid-life crisis) but seriously, end this fucking bullshit ASAP!!!
Edit: I think I should also mention however that despite my general loathing of this smug, insecure, childish and repetitive campaign that there is one positive to it. Daily Telegraph has used this campaign to encourage beautiful photography of places in Sydney to show why the city is so 'wonderful'. So yeah, this campaign deserves one thumbs up for inspiring artistic works. Although these photographs are at the same time right for all the wrong reasons.
Nathan Brown- Well final-fucking-ly. Nathan Brown has been fucking sacked. At last, the Dragons have finally got the coach they deserved in Wayne Bennett and this shitass coach is gone for good. Whilst I certainly am no fan of the Dragons (go the dogs!), I certainly did feel sorry for them that they got stuck with this shithead. And for those Dragon Fans who always dreamed of the day when their club would finally get rid of Brownie, I guess that dreams do come true. Well at least one of my dreams has been fulfilled at last and who knows? Maybe my other wish that Johnathan Thurston might return to the Bulldogs one day might come true as well.
Roosters vs Bulldogs tomorrow night: Oh I so cannot wait to see this game. And especially Willie Mason get what he deserved for dogging our club for the Roosters. Shame though that they banned the 'Willie, once a Dog, now a Cock' slogans. Fucking softies, I think the traitor deserves can handle a couple of words don't you think?
Edit: I'll have to shamefully admit that the Bulldogs got smashed by the Roosters last night and to add injury to insult, Big W sells out for less scored 2 tries. Since I am inable to admit that the Roosters were the better team, I'm just going to blame the ref. That bloody wanker.
Kevin Rudd: So Rudd has decided to take troops out of Iraq and yet is leaving them in Afghanistan. WTF!?
Meet the Spartans: Against my better judgement, I did decide to watch that somewhat disappointing film. Whilst it was funny (feel free to accuse me of poor taste), it certainly wasn't as good as the earlier Scary/Date/Epic Movie and instead it was just random with the jokes. Some of them just got incredibly redundant after a while (i.e the 'Pit of Death' parody, Margo's promiscuity). And now the makers have chosen to release 'Superhero Movie' which will eventually be gracing Australian screens. Surprisingly it looks to be shaped up as slightly less crap then 'Meet the S/partans' with a rating of 21% rotten on Rottentomatoes. Or it could be that it's becoming less funny considering they are repetitive with their formulaic approach to parody. I mention many times that there'll come a point when the repetitiveness of these 'movies' will hurt them in terms of entertainment quality. Maybe it's just gotten to that 'point' with Meet the Spartans? Still may watch Superhero Movie on DVD just to see if it really is slightly less crap then 'Meet the Spartans'.
Jarrod Saffy- Ahh, another incident in the evergrowing list of NRL scandals. At first these incidents seem like a good excuse for fans to slap your head, it's now just getting increasingly hilarious. Think I might make a tally of incidents in NRL for this centenerary year to celebrate this great game of ours and the screw ups off-field. Speaking of NRL...
Nick D'Arcy: Geez and I thought getting pissed and ending up in a fight was a problem with NRL. Well Tibetan boycotters, looks like one Australian probably won't be going to the Olympics (albeit for the wrong reasons). And now news has emerged that another time this great Aussie pisshead gave a smashing to a lifeguard (strangely enough, if memory serves me right Nick D'Arcy decided to visit his sister competing at a 'lifeguard' comepetition). And now the question has been raised; should he go to Beijing? Well given all the drunken bashing incidents in sports, why not? Come on, Australia let's throw our support behind Nick D'Arcy to celebrate and represent the great culture of drunken sportsmen that exist in our wonderful country known as 'Australia'. If Australia finally decides to get rid of the Queen and become a Republic, we should even be formally known as 'The Piss-Drunk Republic of Australia'