Mar 13, 2008 17:07
The commercial tv bastards (Channel 9) have finally decided to air Terminator 3 recently (fuck yeah) as I expected them to do so one day with the recent showing of Sarah Connor Chronicles. Now if you are rather lacking in knowledge of the canon of the Terminator series, it's basically about robots taking over the world af and they keep on sending assasins back to kill the leader of the future human resistance; John Connor. And really after a certain recent premiere I seriously can't wait for nuclear warfare since I've given up hope in this shithole they call a 'society'. So what is it that pissed me off so, you ask? It's called 'Moment of Truth' and it recently premiered on Channel 9. And to put it in simple terms how much I loath it; I suggest that anyone associated with the show have a katana shoved all the way up their rear. And what is the show about? A bunch of dumbcunts admitting to stupid shit on TV and getting money for it. Damn it, even thinking about this bullshit makes me want to punch the nearest baby, skin him alive and leave it for dead.
I mean seriously what ever the fuck happen to our standards? Why the fuck do we even call this bullshit entertainment and what kind of inbred fuckwit would enjoy watching this shit anyway? It fact this bukkake on humanity has convinced me of one thing- Life sucks, world sucks and society sucks (not really, but I think you get what I mean). I honestly can't wait for the apocalypse and here are more reasons why...
Yet more reasons to grieve for the lost of a respectable society...
Dumbass Idol- In other words, dickheads like Corey Worthington who thanks to a bunch of braindead fucktards who can't help but keep on giving idiots more publicity. What happen to the days when society worshipped the ideals of intelligence and respectability? And here's another thing to note about how the Dumbass Idol is happily pissing on the head of society. It seems that this wanker has now been nominated by MTV for 'best tv moment' or some bullshit like that. And to add injury to insult, The Chasers' APEC stunt has also been nominated in the same category. Speaking of tv...
Bullshit shows on TV: Like the one mention above there are heaps of bullshit shows that piss me off. Particularly shows like Big Brother, Jackass and Fear Factor. One is about exhibitionalistic fucktards doing shit on tv, another is about fucktards doing stupid shit and the last is about fucktards being prostitutes on tv. Brilliant concepts for entertainment. What's even more disturbing is that there are braindead fuckers out there who actually call this entertainment. Whilst I don't agree with death penalty most times, I think I can make an exception with this. In my ideal world, anyone involved with Big Brother will receive a shot to the head, anyone involved with Fear Factor shall be shot between the legs and the idiots of Jackass shall be castrated, locked up and given nothing to eat or drink besides their own shit and piss before being skinned alive.
Conspiracy theorists: Oh please, there is no 9/11 conspiracy you fucking idiots!! I think I should also point out that I once respected Marion Cotillard for the pure fact that she won an Oscar but it seems that winning an Oscar isn't a measure of brainpower as she has also jumped onto the bullshit bandwagon. So let me ask this- If your bullshit conspiracies really are true then...
Why the fuck haven't you been shot yet?
Why is your site still on the net anyway?
Why weren't you promptly silenced before you spread your bull?
Uber-Extremists nuts: Westboro Baptist Church, enough said.
Anti-gay therapy or something: Oh please, as if you can make someone straight if they're gay. Now I'll admit I don't consider myself that much of a pro-gay person but really to think you can make someone straight just by hugging them, making them read bible verses, hitting shit with a tennis racket is just completely fucked up. Whoever thought of these bullshit ideas do promptly walk right ahead into a 'Suicide Machine'.
Tabloid bullshit artists: You call that a job? Fangirlling over celebrities all day and making up bullshit stories about them? And it should be noted that 'New Idea, Woman's Day and several other tabloid crap' use the same cliched shit over and over again. (I.e, She's too fat/thin, dating again, drink-driving, Who's the daddy? etc etc)
If anyone's got more reasons as to why they hope for a apocalyptic end to humanity, feel free to give more.
science fiction,
tv shows