[OOC] Stats & Permissions

Nov 21, 2008 23:24

Name: Damon Gant
Age: 65
Height: Tall. 6 feet, maybe?
Weight: Hefty. I'm gonna guess 250-ish pounds, but I'm guessing most of that is muscle.
Eyes: Green
Hair: White & grey

Medical Info: Everything seems to be in order. He's in quite good shape, for a man of his age! Must be all that swimming.

Physical Traits: Tall, broad, just sort of big all over. Swishy white hair with a lightning-bolt sort of thing going on with the bangs. Slight resemblance to Zeus, if Zeus had appalling color sense and a fondness for Abe Lincoln-style facial hair. Also constantly wears leather gloves.

What’s OK to Mention: Oh, he's a pretty cool customer. He only starts to get ruffled if you're foolish enough to poke arond in his private business. After all, that's bad manners.

Notes for Psychics: I think his big secrets are buried pretty deep down; they're deep underneath layers and layers of calm, cool placidity. But he's much sharper -- and colder -- inside his head than his cheerful, fatherly facade would lead you to believe.

Abilities: Aside from being appallingly smart, ambitious, ruthless, focused, and cunning? None, really, although I suppose his stare could be considered a Piercing weapon.

Hugging/kissing/other non-violent physical contact: Go right ahead! Gant is very gregarious and will probably consider you a friend long before you're necessarily comfortable with the idea.

Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: I'm totally game, just come and ask first!

Maim/Murder/Death: Again, please ask!

Cooking: I'm sure he's proficient. Something worth doing is worth doing well, after all!

ooc, meme, housekeeping

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